7 Meanings
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Defenestration Lyrics

Blasphemy Made Flesh, 1995
Lyrics by Lord Worm

Oh what a gal!
She seems such a perfect victim:
This I can tell, for if beauty by guilt,
she's guilty

I'd not wish to frighten her or hurt her,
But such beauty inspires one
to give the gift of murder

She's the kind of girl you want to
run up and tackle through a window some floors up
and spatter you both to hell

®Come and get it;
your stuffed bunny's at the window,
But not that far out...
Reach little one! Reach!...¯

Tantalized a child is want to
take a ill-considered
course of action; such is life:
is experience not bitter?

Leaning too far
out the open attic casement window,
baby plummets
to a messy death not so far below

Rend your flesh to ribbons
on shards of broken glass,
fading screams and abruptly:

7 Meanings
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It seems like the meaning would be that someone is luring a child to a window from a tree or something to pull her out and throw both of them to the ground. This song kicks ass because the bass in the song is so cool (the slap bass is funny as hell!)

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This song simply kicks ass!

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This song does kick ass.

And most likely their is much deaper meaning in this song. Lord Worm was a strange guy.

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you mean IS a strange guy. Great song

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yer, spiderman is right, there is actually humor in the bass playing, i couldnt help but laugh at the way it is played the first time i heard it.

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He finds thids little girl so beautiful that he wants to take her back to hell to have fun with for all eternity.

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Defenestration - The act of throwing someone or something out of a window.

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