If you wouldn't mind I would like to loose
If you wouldn't care I would like to leave
If you wouldn't mind I would like to breathe
Could you believe who we knew was stress or strain?
Here is another word that rhymes with shame
If you wouldn't mind I would like to loose
If you wouldn't care I would like to leave
If you wouldn't mind I would like to breathe
Is there another reason for your stain
Could you believe who we knew was stress or strain?
Here is another word that rhymes with shame
You could do anything
The way I see this song, is being about someone who isnt living up to everyones expectations of them. Kurt was a fairly smart kid, but I think the general consensus was that he didnt apply himself to a lot of classes even though he was capable. This is what I think the lines mean; 'If you wouldnt mind, I would like it blew' Maybe people were saying he 'blew it' and his retaliation is saying thats how he wants it to be. 'If you wouldnt mind, I would like to lose' He doesnt want to try to be better, or to win. Both 'would like to leave' and 'would like to breathe' could be about feeling pressured and smothered and just wanting to relax. This one might not make sense, but 'Is there another reason for your stain?'Could be about parents putting pressure on you because they feel like they failed or for another reason other than wanting you to do well. 'Here is another word that rhymes with shame' is probably meaning, whoever is putting the pressure on you feeling disappointed and ashamed of you. I dont agree with people who are saying that its supposed to mean shame rhymes with fame, while it makes sense, this was on bleach, so most likely written in 91 or before, I dont think Kurt really had the pressure of being famous then. 'You could do anything' is kind of obvious, you have so much potential and you could do anything. This is just how it applies to my life, it could be completely wrong, but I dont know what kurt was thinking when he wrote it. It makes sense for me though :)
How much bullshit im reading here. This is a song about the classical punk theme. As Nirvana was a punk band, according to Cobain, they used to writte songs about it. If you would mind, I would like to leave. Here goes another word that sounds like shame... So easy to interpretate it. IT MEANS, GET A LIFE OUTSIDE THE CORPORATE MAJOR WORLD. Fool of you guys. Know nothing about Nirvana
personally, i like this song, but i like most of them. I'm not sure what it means though... I have a question, i dowloaded the song "Laundry Room" off the net and i can't find out where it's from (I.E. album, single, unreleased...) Does anyone know???
I think he is tired and strained from all his fame.
I think he is tired and strained from all his fame.
one of my favorites: BLEW aka "blow job"-- he got a blowie from some skank and now he's trying to get the hell outta dodge cuz she wont leave him alone. "if you wouldnt mind id like to leave": self explanatory. "if you wouldnt mind id like to breathe": i need some fresh air so i can clear my head. "is there another reason for your stain?": think monica lewinsky & bill clinton LOLOL
one of my favorites: BLEW aka "blow job"-- he got a blowie from some skank and now he's trying to get the hell outta dodge cuz she wont leave him alone. "if you wouldnt mind id like to leave": self explanatory. "if you wouldnt mind id like to breathe": i need some fresh air so i can clear my head. "is there another reason for your stain?": think monica lewinsky & bill clinton LOLOL
i love how its in past tense, like he's reflecting aka: the walk of shame-- "you could...
i love how its in past tense, like he's reflecting aka: the walk of shame-- "you could do anything" -- aka: you know you could have done a LOT better than this girl.
and FWI: the "laundry room" song you downloaded was mistitled. i think its from the Bleach album & its called "Sappy".
interpret it anyway you want but i think it's about being smothered by the pressures of fame.
fuck that sounded like absolute bullshit didn't it.
my interpretation is that this song is a meditation of the aspects of love that are entrapment and control.
a prequal to heart shaped box, and with milk it being the third in the trilogy
I own Heavier Then Heaven, the biography. And In it, It says that throughout the album he claims himself a stain. Like he is a stain on his family.
Shame rhymes with Cobain
Mum: Kurt Cobain you shame our family name Kurt: boo hoo cares
I might have missed it, but where's the comment: 'i think this song is about drugs..' ;D
I'm not exactly sure what this song means but when he says "Here is another word that rhymes with shame" I instantly think fame.
yeah me too..
yeah me too..
It sounds like Kurt is being smootherd by someone or something...but I dunno.