135 Meanings
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I Am The Killer Lyrics

Tuesday wakes up silent
And there aren't enough pills to sleep
And then it cuts out like miswired shortwave radio
It's over
But nothing can change to ever make it right
When you live in a nightmare
It's written all over your face.

And in a short time
You're never the same again
The distance is streamlined
Between decision and defense:

Distorient the senses
Loss of identity
No one to trust

Life runs through this trade
I am no killer
But I still hide my face
In the coming days

I wake up every morning
From the same dream
And then I kill it
But you can't change the letters when the ink dries

I woke up on the sidewalk and everything just changed
Now the lights are blinking but I can't see anything

Everything is falling apart:
Crumpled paper
Crushed tin cans
Broken bottles
Paper scraps
We all look the same
We all look the same
But I am the killer
135 Meanings
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this is my favorite song on full collapse. its just so powerful and fabulous and great. it gets your mind all worked up enough just listening to it, but live, it makes your head spin. its astounding.

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this is my favorite song on full collapse. its just so powerful and fabulous and great. it gets your mind all worked up just listening to it, but live, it makes your head spin. its astounding.

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agreed, a truely amazing song!

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o.k. I am so down with thursday and I usually have a sense of what they are talking about. But I have absolutely no clue what this song is about. Is he expressing his own twisted homicidal tendencies? That would be fucked up...

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Saw this as the music in a Trigun music video. I was amazed when I read the lyrics (I couldn't really understand them in the beginning), but there is such raw emotion in the song it's almost overpowering. I really like it. You can find the music video (if you've seen Trigun, it goes well with the song) at cleancutstudios.org

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rainydayboy, to me the song is talking about going through something life changing that was caused by u...and the end of the song gives me this feeling, like i'm in a room w/ all these ppl and they are all happy and laughing and i'm just in the middle of it all and i look just like them on the out but on the inside i'm screaming and sweat is dripping off my forehead and the room is spinning because i caused something huge that i'm not proud of...like when a kid this its his/her fault that their parents are getting divorced so to the kid they are the killer of the marriage...u get what i'm saying??? its probably not what Geoff had in mind when he was writing the song (if he was the one writing it) but that's how i take it...it works for me...hope i helped

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To me this song is about a relationship which has ended.

"Tuesday wakes up silent" its silent implying hes alone..

"And then it cuts out like miswired shortwave radio It's over" - it hits him, the relationships over. His dream of how they were cuts out with the realisation of reality.

"And in a short time You're never the same again" - it was only a short time ago he was happy and content.. and now he'll never be the same again. Hes lost his identity now ("Loss of identity") now they arent together. In "life runs through this trade" the trade is love.. he hides his face from the world in the coming days of after its over. He "wake(s) up every morning from the same dream" of them being together. But then he kills it, when he wakes up and realises hes killed his dream because it was his fault the relationship ended (But you can't change the letters when the ink dries)

he "woke up on the sidewalk" the morning after the breakup, hes been drinking to cope with that happened.. "and everything just changed", as he realised its over.

"Everything is falling apart: Crumpled paper Crushed tin cans Broken bottles Paper scraps" The state of his apartment, hes too drained hopeless to do anything, things are just lying around everywhere - he sees no point in cleaning them up

"We all look the same We all look the same But I am the killer" - Final closure, admitting he killed the relationship, its over cause of him. Killer is used to signify his guilt. Everyone looks the same, but really hes a killer that shouldnt be allowed out he feels.

Anyway, thats what the song means to me :) tell me if you think its bollocks

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dude! that is an awsome take on the song!! i think the song has a basic plot to it that can be shaped into how ever the listener is feeling. like w/ the thing i said before...my mom and step dad are splitting up so that how i got that..i can take almost any song from that cd and relate it to what i'm going through...u (i would guess) have just gonne through a break up..but i could be wrong

but what i started out saying..this song has a basic plot...(i explained it up there) but i love the end(ish) part where geoff keeps saying "everythings falling apart" its builting up to the climax where u reolize he's the reason everythings all fucked up..its so cool....i love listening to this song and that part...my friends all think i'm weird cuz whenever we're listening to it i make them all get quite until the part where he starts yelling "i am the killer"...but then again, i'm a dork like that!! hehe

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heh :) Nah I havent just been through a break up. I just did A-level english literature and after analysing poems every day its kinda forced a permanent mind set on me :) I cant look at anything without analyising it now.

But yeah, half of its about the listeners interpretation aswell. I can definately see it from your point of view

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the paper is also another metaphore for his lost relationship. He talks about how you can't change the past so you try and hide it through drinking. THis song almost gives me the impression that his drinking is the reason for the breakup hence the name "i am the killer' its like he killed the relationshipo by drinking and now he has ended up where he began, alone and distraught.

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