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Disciple Lyrics

Drones since the dawn of time
Compelled to live your sheltered lives
Not once has anyone ever seen
Such a rise of pure hypocrisy
I'll instigate I'll free your mind
I'll show you what I've known all this time

God Hates us all, God Hates us all
You know it's true God hates this place
You know it's true God hates this race

Homicide - suicide
Hate heals, you should try it sometime
Strive for peace with acts of war
The beauty of death we all adore
I have no faith distracting me
I know why your prayers will never be answered
God hates us all: God hates us all
He fuckin' hates me

Pessimist, tettorist targeting the next mark
Global chaos feeding on hysteria
Cut throat, slit your wrist, shoot you in the back fair game
Drug abuse, self abuse searching for the next high
Sounds a lot like hell is spreading all the time
I'm waiting for the day the whole world fuckin' dies

I never said I wanted to be God's disciple
I'll never be the one to blindly follow

Man made virus infecting the world
Self-destruct human time bomb
What if there is no God would you think the fuckin' same
Wasting your life in a leap of blind faith
Wake the fuck up can't ignore what I say
I got my own philosophy

I hate everyone equally
You can't tear that out of me
No segregation - separation
Just me in my world of enemies

I never said I wanted to be God's disciple
I'll never be the one to blindly follow
I'll never be the one to bear the cross - disciple

I reject this fuckin' race
I dispise this fuckin' place
100 Meanings
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I think the song is telling us to smoke lots of weed(Great Song!!)

only conclusion ^

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overall i think its pretty much just tellin ppl that they need to think for themselves. they dont need to get caught up in all the bullshit of religion. he hints at believing more in what u c and what is around and not believing in faith and other shit u cant touch or see. "I never said I wanted to be God's disciple. I'll never be the one to blindly follow." he is just tryin to get ppl 2 think about what they are actually following and supporting.

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This song has a deeper meaning than most people could possibley imagine. "You know it's true God hates this race." "I'll show you what I've known all this time." "Wake the fuck up can't ignore what I say." There's is an extremely dark secret that your own mind is hiding from you. Society dosn't want you to know it. I know what it is, and so do many other people like me. But we know attempting to reveal this secret means purecution by society. You might think your some badass rebel that does whatever he wants but you are completely blind the truth. This reality has been pulled over your eyes to hide the real world. Because if you knew what I knew, you would know that god really does hate us all.

@EternalVoid i'm extremely curious by what you're aiming at with this secret?

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i think they are trying to highlight the shi* that people are, and that God hates 'em for it. this can be seen in verses 2 and 3. saying "GOD HATES US ALL" may, be a bit harsh, and people may not understand its meaning. hes also trying to say that he sees the truth. he highlights why "God hates" us.

This song is about how people blame god for the problems they cause. god dosent hate people, people are just too self destructive

You're wrong, since he asks 'what if there is no god would you fuckin think the same, wasting your life on a leap of blind faith'. He is saying if the christian god is considered 'real', then the world is shit because god hates man, not god hates man because he is shit. Basically it shows how the 'god' which religion prescribes is a malevolent entity, this is clearly outlined in many other slayer songs. I hate christians who try to warp slayer lyrics.

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hey kodos, if slayer aint creative, who is. are you a fan of new found glory or some shit?

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I kinda agree with everyone's thought about the lyrics. I really like them. And musically this song is a fucking awesome one. People really are kind of programmed to that shit called christianity. And there's one thing that fucking makes me mad. Most of yound people today are not religious and don't really believe in "God". Tell me if I'm really wrong, but I think it's kind of a tradition to be a member of christian church. I really get angry when I ask people if they believe in God or are members of the church and they say "No i don't believe in that shit, but I'm a member": Are people really so afraid of their parents/relatives/etc that they don't dare to part the church, or what the fuck is the deal?! I mean, when I ask "why are you member of church" they say "i don't really know.." I really wonder why people can't get rid of that fucking old-ass tradition to be part of the church..I really don't care if my grandma is mad to me about my thoughts and doesn't send me money for birthday etc. Maybe it would be a time for people to realize that religion is one of the plagues that is fucking this world up nowadays...

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Isn't ironinc that this song has the same basic message as christianity. just change hate to love....and a few other choice words and you got yourself a hymnal.

@cuddalee fuckin\' great observation! I mean that.

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at the end it sounds like he's saying he's atheist because he sais "I got my own philosophy" and other things that suggest that he belives there is no god

hey dude you gotta remember that this song is written by Kerry King Slayers Guitarist, and I think he is Athiest, but Tom Araya is Catholic, so he could be simply telling people that they should open their eyes to the world, and pay attention, and Kerry King is saying that this is all bullsh*t, and HE doesn't believe in all of that crap, I think it's just about how much hypocrisy there is in the religion, and how it's all based on lies, I personally don't beleive that, but that's just what I think it's about...

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It seemed really odd to me how this album was released on sept. 11, the same day that the terrorist attacks happened. On a day where a lot people lost their lives, slayer releases their album with the title god hates us all. maybe that was a sign that god really does hate us all and would really like to see us all die.

it proves that there is no god. what fucking god would let that shit happen to innocent people. if im wrong about that and there is a god then he can go fuck himself. what a dick.

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hey thats a great song GOD HATES US ALL ! LOL i love it

i dont believe in god or satan or something else , so I can hear it without a bad feeling ;) .

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