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A Sense Of Wonder Lyrics

I walked in my greatcoat
Down through the days of the leaves.
No before after, yes after before
We were shining our light into the days of blooming wonder
In the eternal presence, in the presence of the flame.
Didn't I come to bring you a sense of wonder
Didn't I come to lift your fiery vision bright
Didn't I come to bring you a sense of wonder in the flame.

On and on and on and on we kept singing our song
Over Newtonards and Comber, Gransha and the
Ballystockart Road.
With Boffyflow and Spike
I said I could describe the leaves for Samuel and Felicity
Rich, red browney, half burnt orange and green.

Didn't I come to bring you a sense of wonder
Didn't I come to lift your fiery vision bright
Didn't I come to bring you a sense of wonder in the flame.

It's easy to describe the leaves in the Autumn
And it's oh so easy in the Spring
But down through January and February it's a very different thing.

On and on and on, through the winter of our discontent.
When the wind blows up the collar and the ears are frostbitten too
I said I could describe the leaves for Samuel and what it means to you and me
You may call my love Sophia, but I call my love Philosophy.

Didn't I come to bring you a sense of wonder
Didn't I come to lift your fiery vision
Didn't I come to bring you a sense of wonder in the flame.

Wee Alfie at the
Castle Picture House on the Castlereagh Road.

Whistling on the corner next door where
he kept Johnny Mack Brown's horse.
O Solo Mio by McGimsey
and the man who played the saw
outside the city hall.
Pastie suppers down at Davey's chipper
Gravy rings, barmbracks
Wagon wheels, snowballs.
3 Meanings
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I wonder what the multiple references are inferring and with that, he won my heart. Van can certainly connect with his audiance in a most personal way. I believe he is speaking to a woman as they walk together in the cold and he looks into her eyes as he speaks and notices how imensely captivated she has become; in "wonder" by the brillant words he says. She wants to hear his philosophy of love and how it is more than a feeling but a Newton force of gravity that could be covalently bonded and completely defined by the mind, but would rather listen to a his philosophy where logic merges with magic. Or this could be considered "purple prose," and for that, I'm sorry.

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Such a beautiful soul. He really comes alive when he's doing what he does best and his music really does create a 'sense of wonder' in many, many listeners. I don't think he enjoys evaluating the meaning of his songs because many of them come from such a subconscious part of himself and to evaluate is to tarnish the connection/feelings you get from listening to it.

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This has completely summed up this past year- its like past present future is all intermingled- and we only get to see a small glimpse life and people- so short and brief that theres no defining anything categorizing anyone its all multifaceted- we cant know-only wonder -in utter amazement the highs in life but on our knees too

@stacy10496 You perfectly articulated my sentiments!

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