An Open Letter Lyrics
mm, saetia..
Best Saetia song lyrically, hands down. It's insane how well I can relate to these lyrics.
On the poster that came with their 1998 self-titled LP, the lyrics to this song are written out, and next to them is the drawing of literally "an open letter," which has blank spaces where the sender and recipient's names would normally be.
The letter reads,
"Dear __,
I know you remember those times when we could appreciate the world and everything around us. Who knew it would turn so sour and black? Please forgive me, but it might be easier to remember each other as dreams and nothing more.
Love always, ___"
I took a few photos of the lyrics and sketches surrounding it, which can be found here:
The hand-written lyrics themselves:
The sketch of the letter:
A closer photo of the words in the letter:
it is not a belief in dreams. it is not a refusal to accept. it is a refusal to let go.
i know so well where he stands.
i could have written this song, granted i was graced with such poetic genius as billy werner is. which i'm not. but such inspiriation...
great song, these lyrics are so good
"it is not a belief in dreams. it is not a refusal to accept. it is a refusal to let go."
I love it when someone writes something that perfectly sums up a feeling. I know exactly what that feels like.
ditto. mm, saetia...
i have this open letter saetia size medium t shirt ill sell or trade. email me. i have others as well.
Good song.
one word for this song beautiful