14 Meanings
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Endymion Lyrics

I am forgetting typewriter handwriting, and how to embrace in a storm of haloes...
To watch the floor melt,
to know I melt with it.
I secretly opened one eye,
and watched Selene move beyond my horizon.
Secrets tend to tell themselves, I find.
I find I will not miss...
clandestine heartaches buried years deep in stagnant days.
Writing lullabies across the moon
I have rescued dreams dying on yesterday's embers
fashioning flowers from fancy.
Skipping stones across april showers.
We will dance upon days time has forgotten.
To let dawn's drapery enfold us.
Gazing at angels through the eyes of a second.
Gazing at angels through the eyes of a second.
14 Meanings
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just.. amazing.

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"I secretly opened one eye, and watched Selene move beyond my horizon."

i love that part but this whole song is just... beautiful...

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i thought this song was about accepting the fact that we're going to die. but paul thinks its about life. but death is life. so i guess it works.

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this song is increadable. but not their best.

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I really shouldve commented on this earlier...

I found out about Saetia about 3 years ago, and this song was one of the first I heard, and its incredible. Saetia has gotten me through tough times, and continues to inspire me long after their breakup. Hot Cross and Off Minor are absolutely fantastic bands, but they don't compare the poetically, myhological amazement that is Saetia.

And like what YouMeantTheWorld said, the part where Billy screams "i secretely opened one eye, and I watched Selene move beyond my horizon" is just fucking great. Im sure must of you know the whole mythology connections.

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this is a love song, and if you can't see that...yeah

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Selene is the goddess of the moon who fell in love with a shepard named endymion. She asked the gods to allow Endymion to choose his fate, and he choose to sleep eternaly and never grow old. Every night, Selene kisses him with her moon light

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secrets tend to tell themselves

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, i'm told.

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, i'm told.

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