Mr. Smiley Lyrics


Ha, this song makes mr giggle.


Heh heh...
Reminds me of this Hillbilly in Pullman Michigan...
Heh heh...

Makes *me giggle

What's up with this song? Did someone in the band know someone who killed someone, or is it just like a random song? Reminds me of my first day of work...

its random, thats how ska is. i saw them play this live, durring the horn solo, the dude came out with a plastic butcher knife and jumped into the croawd and cut off people's heads, including mine.

This song is awesome...i remember the first time i listened to it i was like....oh my god...this is possibly one of the best ska songs ive ever heard.. RANDOM

I love this song watching the video makes me laugh for some odd reason the guy is wearing a smiley face mask and it changes emotions...

I saw these guys Saturday, and they did what NeonBlonde was talking about.