17 Meanings
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Police Story Lyrics

A black man driving down the street one day
Pulled over by racist boys in blue in Brentwood, PA
There's no real reason, they don't have any right
It's just that in their eyes he's not the correct shade of white...
Driving in a neighborhood that's reigned by whites
Ain't healthy for a black man trying to live a lengthy life
All those cops they walked off free, but him he's in a grave
His name is Johnny Gammage, on of thousands they have slain

We've got no rights...
....when cops can kill
It's not right...
....we live in fear

Patrol man cruising in his car at night
Just looking for some homeys he can rough up in a fight
Pulled over 3 kids in a total rage
Next thing you know there's bodies all over the place
His back up came & they're all acting tough
3 kids vs. 6 or 7 cops all armed with billy clubs
The cops they did it just cause those kids color and their age
They say that's not the truth, but this happens every fucking day!!!

We've got no rights...
....when cops can kill
It's not right...
....we live in fear

Fear of what you're gonna do, when a cop's talking shit to you
Fear of what you're gonna say, when the cops come gunning your way
Fear of what you shouldn't do, when the cops try to provoke you
Fear that on any given day, the cops should take your life away...

They say they're here to keep the peace...

We've got no rights...
....when cops can kill
It's not right...
....we live in fear

17 Meanings
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I dont know how you would not understand the meaning of this song, obviously its about police brutality, especially about cops being racist or ageist (however you spell that)...an awesome song with wicked lyrics.

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Believe what you want, but this speaks of truth!

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It's a sad world we live in.... but the system treats those who look different than the upper-class white male differently. An awesome song, with great lyrics as said before.

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I enjoyed this song

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Anyone know who Johnny Gammage is?

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I don't know who Johnny Gammage is, but this song is so great. It is totally true, and I am getting really fed up with cops giving young and non-white people shit every chance they get.

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You don't know shit.

Check out my dad's website. lowellpolicesuck.com

Read a story of how the Lowell, MA Police force was doing a warrant search on his house and stole his shit and tried to take his 7000 dollar tv but dropped it and broke it on the way out. More than that. Check it for yourself.

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fuck police brutality

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fucking pigs.

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