5 Meanings
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What You Dont Know Lyrics

It's gonna take some action and some reaction from...
....from me and you
'Cause you gotta stand up and you gotta make demands to...
....obtain the truth
Time after time there are so many secret...
....decisions made
Where we have no choice and no representation...
....and have to say

It's in front of your face (It's in front of your eyes)
But you must open your eyes, if you're to see the truth

They try to tell us as a free we...
....run this country
But nobody wants to talk about the CIA files...
....files we can't see
"NATIONAL SECURITY" concerns a whole country but...
....we have no say
Our "security" blamed for our restricted freedom a game...
....the government plays
It's in front of your face
(It's in front of your eyes)
But you must open your eyes,
If you're to see the truth

When there are secrets that we don't know
Then the ideal they pass as freedom in this country is a fake
When we are left with no right or no voice to choose
Then we're not living in a free and democratic state

It's in front of your face
(It's in front of your eyes)
But you must open your eyes,
if you're to see the truth

It's what you don't know
5 Meanings
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I love anti-flag, but i do disagree with this song. Yes, national security concerns a whole country, but we should not know everything for our own safety. Sometimes antflag does get slightly out of hand everyonce in awhile. They has some really great messages but every once in awhile they twist things to much as the national media does. No one is perfect. But, no, we should not know everything, until its safe for us to hear, and yes we should be involved more in the gov't, but not 100% involved or things could get ugly. Down with war!

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Finally! An af song i can bring to school!! Most of their songs have fuck in them and the dont have edited tracks so this is awesome! This song is kick ass! Horraaah!

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I disagree, the government is supposed to be run by us, and it obviously isn't if they are doing things they don't let us know about. Anti-Flag is right on witht his song.

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Well, I think that we have a right to all the information as long as releasing it doesn't harm any one in any way. i.e. We we're not supposed to have the information and if the information gets out that would mean we would be putting his life in danger.

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you guys seem to not read between the lines, it's just about knowing the truth about the government

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