Got The Numbers Lyrics
Soon this corporate run government will be through
You see, it doesn't represent the people anymore
Big business are the pimps and governments' their whores
We know what we need, we need a fucking revolution
We don't need your war machine, or your filthy blood stained dollars
We've got one thing you don't have, we've got, we've got, we've got...
To you the masses are not even human beings
We're dogs that will be grateful for any scraps you leave
But even dogs will only put up with so much abuse
Keep stealing from us like you are we're gonna let loose
We know what we need, we need a fucking revolution
We don't need your war machine, or your filthy blood stained dollars
We've got one thing you don't have, we've got, we've got, we've got...
We know what we need, WE NEED A FUCKING REVOLUTION!!!
We don't need your war machine, or your filthy blood stained dollars
We've got one thing you don't have, we've got, we've got, we've got...

Punk in Drublic says... This song is about unity against the government.

fucking great song

who are this ppl

great punk

wow i love this song, i like anti flag and i've seen them live but they tend to preach too much..i dunno thats just my opinion

they do preach a lot but their songs more than make up for it..

powerful song and really great lyrics

I like the lyrics and everything for this song, but the melody of the "Got the numbers" part just is too...I don't know how to say it, it reminds me of a song from Little Orphan Annie or something. But you know, Anti-Flag still rocks, even if this isn't one of my favorite songs.

i know punk isnt supposed to sound "cute" but i really think the bands voices in this song and die for the government sound adorable, sorry but yea thats just my opinion

i know punk isnt supposed to sound "cute" but i really think the bands voices in this song and die for the government sound adorable, sorry but yea thats just my opinion