23 Meanings
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One Season To Late Lyrics

hes in the back of ur mind all of the time learn to forget love leave forget when i sit alone i think of what u said were better off just friends im better off just dead and the hardest thing i do is wake up witout u n everything falls apart the emptyness leaves a mark
23 Meanings
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this song is sick download it its sad to.

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yes its the saddest song.. it can make you cry.. KEEPSAKE IS SUCH A GREAT BAND!!!!

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same here ;( ... this song is suicidel

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This song is depressing, but its an incredible song

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its a great song by keepsake.. all there songs r good!! and i just hate when i guy tells me we r better off friends.. :(

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this song is so beautiful.... why must we always be better of friends god fucking dammit!!!!!!!!! ok now that i got that out of the way... this is a great song... everyone should hear it cus im sure everyone can relate to it.... (check out my lyrics at Deranged Youth)

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....I love this song.....hate the message...sad :-(...but everyone lives through it...

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With all of the other Keepsake songs out there . . . . I'd have to say this is one of their weaker songs. Not too high on my Keepsake playlist.

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yea it is a lil weak but its still a great tune i dig it

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Is this from the new CD? I haven't heard the new CD yet but a friend said it wasn't as good as The End of Sound, which I loved.

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