3 Meanings
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Summer Squatter Go Home Lyrics

Hey, we're rolling, hey..
Go home, go home
Squatter go home
Go home, go home
Squatter go home
I think I hear your Mommy callin'
On your cellular phone
She said your dad wants his car back
So you'd better come home
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
Go home, go home
Squatter go home
Go home, go home
Squatter go home
You got no money for the punk rock show
It's delagated for a beer and a ho
Spitting, pissing, cumming, and shitting
So you have cool clothes
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
I see you sitting on the boulevard with your tired and pissed off stare
Tellin' everyone your hard luck story, and what landed you here
You think of mommy and daddy out in their safe suburban home
And you know that's where you're gonna be when you start to feel the cold
I'm saying poser go home
Poser squatter go home
Summer squatter go home
Poser squatter go home
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
Squatter go home
Summer squatter go home
3 Meanings
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This song is defined in the cover of the album "Die for the Government.' It is all about people that just drop into the punk scene just to use it as a trend and a fashion. These people who give punks a bad name. They don't get the idea that surrounds being a punk. They don't know it, they don't like it, they don't love it, but they have no problem immitating it.

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what i think about when i hear this song is some dumb rich kid in high school who gets into the punk scene for the look. why else would a rich kid get into punk?? sounds like a dumbass fucktard to me. but i don't mind it if these kids are JUST into the music. as long as they don't show it off to their assfucking gangbanger friends. then its alright.

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hhahah well this song only says the truth, i mean i used to hang out the whole summer in squatts in london, but im not rich, i live in brazil for fuck sake, but yeh i remember hangin out in squatts that you'd see all types of punks, rich ass kids, at least they'd always give u booze, homeless dudes, crackwhores, psychobilly freaks...

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