26 Meanings
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Anti-Manifesto Lyrics

Dance and laugh and play. Ignore the message we convey. It seems we're only here to entertain. A rebellion cut-to-fit. Well I refuse to be the soundtrack to it. While we entertain we're still knee-deep in shit. There's something wrong inside. We've played it safe, enjoyed the ride. You won't like this but I have something to confide. We strive for something more than a faded sticker on a skateboard. Now we've rained on your parade and we're out the door. And I don't even care any fucking more. Witness this pair in accomplice. Witness a pair; lethargic, unconscious. No brows furrowed in question, complacent, completing their tasks (no questions asked). Consider this critic a cretin. Just resting on laurels (completely invented). Word acrobatics performed with both harness and net. I am so full of shit. But I will remain until this self-awareness fades. Until I defeat the the purpose served by this soapbox that you made. That you made.
Song Info
Lyrics © Robert Shannon Fields D/b/a Covina High Music
John Mcsnord
Submitted by
planes On Nov 26, 2001
26 Meanings
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Punk in Drublic says... this is a hella good song just because they're being honest with their audience. It's like Propagandhi is way more than just cool music to listen to, it's political and activistic (if that's even a word). So yay. 5/5.

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i love propagandhi....yay canadian band. and they dont give a fuck ne more! and i dunno.....meh

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I love this song cause they are so honest with what they have to say, they're telling all the people who like them cuz they're a punk band to look farther than categorization and actually read into what they have to say because they face issues and don't want they're opinions to be wasted on people who really don't care. Propagandhi is probably the band who made me actually take an interest in politics and that type of stuff.

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my favorite propagandhi song, an anthem for those who value their integrity over the forces that try to influence them to be total fucking dumbasses and abercrombie-clad robots. this song preaches not to give in, and that propagandhi is much more than just another band selling a product. they're telling us that they are using music for what it was meant, expression, not as a career or a meaningless game. listen to these guys, they're one of the last real bands out there and they know what they're talking about...

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This song is about messages being ignored. By fans who jyst dig the sound i think.

"Word acrobatics performed with both harness and net."

This means they can say anything they want and noone cares. And they should. It's like ppl won't disagree with them.

I think it has a general feeling of selling out or loosing values. Its about them thinking they may have sold out.

When he says i stole this rif its funny.

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This song is like when people tell me they like Rage Against The Machine yet know nothing about the values they stood for, most don't know what capitalism is. (I used Rage as an example because they are really the only commercial enough band for this type of thing to apply for.)

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This mastepiece is telling all of Propagandhi`s 'real fans' that they dont want you to just sit back at wait for their next CD. You need to get out there and do something.

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Propaghandi rocks but their views are a little too left-wing for me. However, I respect the fact that they have the guts to stand up and say what they think and don't fuck what the rest of the world will say. Thats punk!

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hmm a lot to do with why i am a punk (personally) and the things i believe in ..

i think its alot to do with the "punk image" and how so many "punks" out there on the music / image side of things which i love but i also belive punk is a bit more than that in a lot of cases

"While we entertain we're still knee-deep in shit"

  • they are doing all this .. why???? well they want to make a diffrence in this world -- but nothings happening ... so why are they still playing music if everyone listens to it and ignores it .. they cant see people trying hard for a change

"We strive for something more than a faded sticker on a skateboard. " They dont want a "cool" image , well that is at least secondary to making a diffrence in what they want to change.

"Word acrobatics performed with both harness and net. " i see this (i think this perception is biased towards my context though..) as meaning you can say alot of "hey anarchy" "fuck the system" "unity whooaoaoaoa" but at the end of the day noone puts themselves on the line - quits their fucked job - tells people who are wrong to go get fucked ... people talk big when nothing is on the line but when push comes to shove will anyone risk anything for a change??? (some do how many??)

overall - i think they trying to say they honestly want something to happen with what they are saying .. and its a bit of a wake up call to people who maybe werent really listening

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A rebellion cut-to-fit.

this is all to true. all the pre teen punk wanna-bes listen to this and put on spiky bracelets and go 'woooah, im punk' and all the teenagers going to shows and moshing around, and writting 'anarchy' on theire kitbags when they dont even know the meaning of the fucking word. and they do theyre little teenage rebellion, punk style. but it doesnt mean a fucking thing, they grow up to be just like everyone else they supposedly tried not to be. and propagandhi doesnt want that to be what theyre about. they want people to see the deaper meaning and really try to change the world.

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