Allbright Monument, Bagdhad Lyrics

Wadia's best friend's youngest sister was denied a proper burial because for two days they couldn't douse the flames the allied planes had showered on her tiny body. And all the paper trails that lead to all the roads that lead to all these Basras make it seem like we're all just "collateral damage" waiting to be happened in some unforeseen Pentagon budget-drill. Today's Ba'ath regime is just the Red Scare of yesteryear. And I drink myself to sleep because I'm losing faith that any of us will ever amount to anything more than reluctant human subsidies, the moving parts in a death-machine, protesting their complicity, but waiting for somebody else to throw their body on the churning gears. I drink myself to sleep because I'm losing faith that we, here in the Cradle of Affluence can cease this sickening drive for individual strength through state-powers' swinging fists or that we'll ever look back and laugh at the irony that is: an atomic murderer is enshrined in Independence, USA while 8000 miles from here (back in the Cradle of Democracy) it's another banner year for a cottage industry – a ritual at the corner of George and Constantine - as foundries scramble to recast his decapitated monument.
6 Meanings
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It almost seems like this song was predicting what would happen in a US-led invasion of Iraq. It sounds strange, since this song was written a few years before the war began, but everything fits.

"today's Ba'ath regime..." - the scare tactics leading up to the war

"waiting for somebody else..." - protesters of the war thinking that the war would meet with more opposition when in actuality there was almost no debate before launching into war with Iraq

"a cottage industry" - terrorism, experiencing an upswing fed by a US occupancy

"decapitated monument" - countless other power-hungry dictators-to-be lining up to replace Saddam

It's eerie how exact this song got it.

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The song is undeniably appropriate for the current situation in the United States and Iraq.

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Madeline albright is the former US secretary of state that made the old iraqi sanctions happen. they directly led to the deaths of millions of iraqi people, mostly children.

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they did it again! they nailed the issue straight on with devastatingly eloquent lyrics that evoke amazingly descriptive images.

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Does anyone know what it means "a ritual at the corner of George and Constantine Read "?

Song Meaning

I don't think it refers to the royal order in Greece! Anybody have other suggestions? TNX!

@tuenzo I wouldn't put it past them to have a more specific meaning, but what I guess is this:

It's the abstract intersection of the strategies of military legends Constantine (who changed the empire to Christianity because it made it his warriors more successful) and George Washington (who valiantly fought off the British in the name of freedom while continuing to hold slaves and condoning the institution of slavery).

There’s a pretty literal meaning to it as well. The “Atomic Murderer” they are referring to is Harry Truman, who was president during WW2 and made the decisions to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There is a museum and monument for him in Independence, Missouri. \r\n\r\nIn Athens, Greece (the cradle of democracy), at the intersection of Georgiou and Konstantinou Avenues stands another statue of Harry Truman. The “ritual” refers to the fact that for several decades now it’s been defaced, bombed, painted and even decapitated during protests and has been re-cast and re-erected over and over again....

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