Homophobes Are Just Mad Cuz They Can't Get Laid Lyrics

Nothing i can say will change your little mind. It's your clique and right or wrong you won't be left behind, but you're weak. Equality's your trip when all your friends agree, but freedom's just not hip when it's of sexuality, so you hate. I hope I live to see the day when you sexually repressed hatred is finally washed away. It seems that you're trying to prove it to yourself--build up those defences, you're just like everybody else. You wave your fist like you wave your fucking flag and you'll prove it to me now: you're no 'fag'. But that's fucking weak.
13 Meanings
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lol how true is the title? :D

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so funny i cant get enough of this band

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some of their stuff i cant stand. but other stuff is simply incredible. heh...the title ish teh ownx0rs.

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this song rocks...

stupid fucking homophobes

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This song is great, I love Propagandhi, one hell of a band!

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"Homophobia is gay.."

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I love this song! Propagndhi /is/ one hell of a band. This song is so funny, but also, so true! lol. Brilliant.

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yes indeed, more punks should hear this

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being bisexual this song makes me crack up. i want a car with awesome speakers just so i can blast it in my neighborhood

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amen to that

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