16 Meanings
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Less Talk, More Rock Lyrics

I'd like to actively encourage the toughest man to dance as hard as he can to this, my song. And bring your stupidest friends along. We wrote this song because it's fucking boring to keep spelling out the words that you keep ignoring. And your mscho shit won't phase me now. It just makes us laugh, we got your cash, court-jester take a bow. Because did you know that when I was nine, I tried to fuck a friend of mine? HE was 8, then I turned 10. 14 years later it happened again (with another friend). This time me on the receiving end. And all the fists in the world can't save you now. Cuz if you dance to this, then you drink to me and my sexuality. With your hands down my pants by transitive property.
16 Meanings
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Hahaha... I think that this song is a play on all of the macho mother fuckers who go to concerts to fuckin rock out, and show everyone (including themselves) how fuckin' tough they are.

"less talk more rock!" they scream. This song is for them. Funny thing is, I bet some homophobe considers this his favorite song, probably headbangs to it, and has never heard the lyrics.

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I hate all this "pop" shit. They say they are just trying to get a message accross to the the fans. What message? The fact that they can't get a girl to fall in love with them? And people actually like that!?!? Those "pop" lovers should read some of Propaghandi's lyrics and find out what writing music is all about.

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i think you're right! no band is more punk then propaghandi!

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another song about stupid macho mofos, but propagandhi (as usual) writes and delivers it so much better than any other band.

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awesome propagandhi... seen them 4 times and it never gets old and this song always sticks out in my mind when i think about them..

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pretty much everyone who has posted on this song has reinforced what it's about. its about how everyone listens to propaghandi and its good music and everything, and even though they keep saying important messages with thier lyrics, a lot of people dont even try to think about what the song means or the message they're trying to convey. "We wrote this song because it's fucking boring to keep spelling out the words that you keep ignoring." i dont think it gets any plainer than that. most people just ignore the message and listen to the music. and i think the last part of the song, the one where he talks about fucking his friends is just thrown in there just to say something completely fucked up and strange and at the end he's like "Cuz if you dance to this, then you drink to me and my sexuality. With your hands down my pants by transitive property." he's saying "look what you're agreeing to that you could've avoided by reading the lyrics and interpreting what the song is about. you're dancing to the cool pop-punk song and little do you know that im insulting you for not reading the lyrics." i dont think i explained it very well, but i tried. i think their song "anti manifesto" from "how to clean everything" is about the same thing except for not the fucking your friends part.

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I don't feel the need to state what this song is about as it has already been done.

This is one of my favorite songs because it's so true and I admire Propagandhi's willingness to say whatever the fuck they want.

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I don't think it's necessary to post to add anything else to this discussion, so I won't. :)

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Brilliant song. I didn't realise that Chris was gay? Well that is what the songs says isn't it?

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@JAStewart: a man having sex with a man doesn't make him gay. As much as us homos would hope, heh.

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