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Crazy Love Lyrics

I can hear her heart beat for a thousand miles
And the heavens open every time she smiles
And when I come to her that's where I belong
Yet I'm running to her like a river's song
She give me love, love, love, love, crazy love
She give me love, love, love, love, crazy love

She's got a fine sense of humor when I'm feeling low down
And when I come to her when the sun goes down
Take away my trouble, take away my grief
Take away my heartache, in the night like a thief

Yes I need her in the daytime
Yes I need her in the night
Yes I want to throw my arms around her
Kiss her hug her kiss her hug her tight

And when I'm returning from so far away
She gives me some sweet lovin' brighten up my day
Yes it makes me righteous, yes it makes me feel whole
Yes it makes me mellow down in to my soul

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15 Meanings

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Cover art for Crazy Love lyrics by Van Morrison

Hey don't forget Music that Aaron Neville did a dead-on cover for the movie Phenomenom. By dead-on i mean as far as voice, the music was a little different. THe other day i heard a cover of Jackie Wilson Said (I'm in Heaven) on a country station but it was very close to the original. I commend the artist for staying respectful to Van the Man and not butchering his great work. Can anyone tell me who it was?

Cover art for Crazy Love lyrics by Van Morrison

this has to be one of my favorites, it's the way i'd like a man to feel about the way i can love. there is a really good version with van and bob dylan. my favorite

Cover art for Crazy Love lyrics by Van Morrison

I also love this song and LOVE Van Morrison, there's also a version with Van and Ray Charles on his CD Genius Loves Company, It's a great version!

Also, there is a Comfortably Numb rendition as well.

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Cover art for Crazy Love lyrics by Van Morrison

It's THE love song.

Joan Armatrading said only Van Morrison had the range to cover her songs - high praise cos she didn't want anyone to cover them

Cover art for Crazy Love lyrics by Van Morrison

All of Van Morrison's "love songs" seem to approach the feelings involved in different ways. Here it's a wonderful, tender, soft, and profound feeling -- something to wrap oneself up in and sit astounded by the sheer comforting power of it.

It's appropriate, whether intended or not, that a few of the adjectives in the last verse -- "righteous" and "mellow" -- are among the most-often used when talking about the state of indulging in cannabis. Here love is of the same hue, but more meaningful and penetrating -- love as the most righteous high imaginable.

Cover art for Crazy Love lyrics by Van Morrison

I can't believe no one has posted anything about this song. It is amazing. It just one of those feel good love songs. A classic if you ask me....

Cover art for Crazy Love lyrics by Van Morrison

Ah, i agree. Classic. Although, he doesnt sound as much like himself in this song.

Cover art for Crazy Love lyrics by Van Morrison

Definitely agree... I've been very into covers of this song as well as the original... check out Cassandra Wilson, Cornell Hangovers any more? let me know!

Thanks for the info! I should invest more time into listening to female covers of songs that are originally flawless when written and performed by males. It could become confusing, I guess.

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Cover art for Crazy Love lyrics by Van Morrison

i sing this to my little sister as a night time lullaby.

Cover art for Crazy Love lyrics by Van Morrison

i love this song...period