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Refusing To Be A Man Lyrics

I'm not going to try to tell you that I'm different from all the rest. I've been subject to the same de-structure of desire and I've felt the same effects; I'm a hetero-sexist tragedy. And potential rapists all are we. But don't tell me this is natural. This is nurturing. And there's a difference between sexism and sexuality. I had different desires prior to my role-remodelling. And at six years of age you don't challenge their claims. You become the same. (Or withdraw from the game and hang your head in shame). I think that's exactly what I did. I tried to sever the connections between me and them. I fought against their further attempts to convince a kid that birthright can bestow the power to yield the subordination of women and do you know what patricentricity means? I found out just a couple of days/months/years/minutes ago. It means male values uber alles and hey! Whaddaya know... sex has been distorted and vilified. I'm scared of my attraction to body types. If everything desired is objectified then maybe eroticism needs to be redefined. And I refuse to be a "man".
9 Meanings
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I love this song. I will probably read that book now that I know about it.

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this band is awesome.

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There is a good book by John Stoltenberg called "Refusing To Be A Man" which I am pretty sure this song is referencing to. It is truly a liberating read--and sexual liberation and truth is something I think every man needs--especially in America.

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I'm pretty sure this is more about a man coming to terms with the prevalent sexism that is so ingrained in his culture, and by result, implanted in him as well. He comments on how, at a young age, he was 'taught' how men and women should act, and about the supposed 'superiority' of men over women, and he struggles with these beliefs. He knows they're wrong, but they're so ingrained. His fears are captured quite well here: "I'm scared of my attraction to body types. If everything desired is objectified then maybe eroticism needs to be redefined." He worries (much like I do, sometimes) if his desire towards women is leading him to treat them as sexual objects, as unequals.

In the end, he decides not to submit to society's standards of what a man must be, or how he must treat women. He'd rather be a 'sissy', a 'pussy', than a 'man'.

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Beautiful song. You can tell he's been victimized for his sexuality and now he's rising up and embracing it.

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This song means a lot to me, personally. I take the song to be about the difference between gender (mental) and sex (physical), and the problems gender creates. By expecting all men to be "men" and women to be "women", you create so many problems. Some people fall inbetween the cracks of sex and gender, leaving them confused and outcasted. I think this song is about how someone overcame this struggle, and now accepts themselves for who they are.

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I love this song. I everyone would think like this.

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Not even going to reply to that first load of shite below that he wrote,would he an essay,but our sexual urges are not natural,like the rest of society, they are artificial and constructed to make us feel powerless, same goes for any objectfying we do.

@midnightzone You mean you're too scared to reply to my comment because you have no counter-argument?

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I've been a Propagandhi fan ever since I first heard Anti-Manifesto on Fat Music For Fat People and I've liked them more and more with every album. But as I get older, this song and the obscure Ladies' Nite In Loserville have really started to stick out.

It's a real paradox that a band as intelligent as Propagandhi support something as fraudulent as feminism, and the fallacy that it's about bringing about equality. This song is a flagrant affront to both masculinity and humanity, and insulting and belittling them is going to add nothing to any kind of social progress.

"And potential rapists all are we" - this is just parroting hateful feminist dogma, and is completely risible as a result. Speak for yourself, I am no potential rapist.

"But don't tell me this is natural" - no, don't YOU dare tell me that what I am naturally is not natural. Just because male sexuality is 'inconvenient' to the reality that feminists want to fabricate, it is what it is. If you want to deny your own true self, then go ahead, but DON'T tell other people that they should be doing the same.

Also, the lines that imply that it's just men that objectify are bullshit. Women do it too, because they're human, and hey! Whaddaya know...IT'S NATURAL.

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