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2 Genders Lyrics

Well, America's experienced a rapid, in fact, a massive inflation in genders
At one point, biologists were allowed to determine what biology was, and there were two, male and female
Now there's a-gender, bi-gender, two-spirit, her-ja, he-dra, we could go on forever

Heh-ha, wait
They, them, his, hers
Zee, zim, wait, what are these words?
You are confused, why you talkin' in thirds?
You can only be one, it's not what you prefer
You're either one of the two
Whatever's between your two legs, is the proof
Whoever gave you the option to choose?
Man, just sit down and listen, I'm breakin' the news

It's only two genders, you're parents are jackin' you up
They might as well put some crack in your cup
You came out innocent, now you're corrupt
Now, you stand on the bridge, and you just wanna jump, heh

Got these pink-haired devils
Teachin' the kids in the school, they are vessels
Used by the enemy, he's just a rebel
Let's turn up the kettle
When God gets ahold of 'em, he won't be gentle (he won't be gentle)

How dare you misgender me?!
My pronouns are "Them" and "Theirs"!
Get it right!

Y'all brains in a blender
If you state the obvious, you will be censored
God made your body, and you're just the renter
He's the inventor, and he only made two genders (two genders)
Two genders
He only, he only made two genders
Only two!
Look, there's only two genders
I love the science, and it says there's only two genders

Man, Google just told me there's 70 genders
I need the evidence, where's the defenders?
Maybe you're brain dead, you lost your receptors
They banned me 'cause I'm a repeating offender
These are the stakes, in their race
I am not giving one inch, to the gays
It's funny, the synagogue called this detestable
Now, when they claim it, they get all the praise

We only rockin' the blue and the pink
I think that you need to get a new shrink
Now, you're denyin' the science, ya dink
I want answers, right now, but you're tryin' to think!

You were assigned one at birth
There's only two genders, man, look at the birds
Men should be straight, and women have curves
You just shakin' yo fist up at God, you've got nerves (up at God, you got nerves!)

How dare these people use common sense?
Everybody knows, there's more than two genders!

Y'all brains in a blender
If you state the obvious, you will be censored
God made your body, and you're just the renter
He's the inventor, and he only made two genders (two genders)

Two genders
He only, he only made two genders
Only two!
Look, there's only two genders
I love the science, and it says there's only two genders
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Submitted by
lorhaus5175 On Jul 04, 2022
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The best thing you can say about this is that it at least uses the word "gender" correctly. "Gender" means the biological condition of being male or female - it does NOT mean a conception of how males or female should behave - something which exists only in a person's head, which is to say, doesn't "exist" at all. That is the reason we imported the word Gender into the English language - in order that we might have a word for the biological condition of being male or female. The word "sex" cannot, practically speaking, be used in such a concept - because "sex" (along with its even more pretentious counterpart, "sexual intercourse") is also used, in the language of pretentious mental-inadequates, as a substitute for the word "fu..ck:in.g".

Beyond that, the lyric is worthless. A person harbouring those delusions which are commonly referred to as "religious" or "spiritual" beliefs clearly does not have the basic perceptual abilities to form a valid opinion on anything. And it is absurd for such a person to claim support for "the science" - when their whole perception of life, from moment to moment, is governed by a profoundly anti-"science"/anti-reality set of beliefs.

@Mudcrutch m'hm, yeah, but what is woman? How do can I tell if I AM NB?