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The Stone III Lyrics

You are my ashes before it happens
The child of lashes
Brings the masses

(The child in lashes)
He brings the masses
(He was sent to bring the masses)

I want to take you somewhere
I'll be your fucking thorn

This isn't real — it's all for me
The sail that flies is turning black
Is turning black
Now awake the tide, nymphomaniac

You disallow your warrant now
You disallow your warrant now


These were the times, your wasted lies
These were the times, your wasted lies

Sun hammer
Sun hammer
Is the suicide
The suicide of mine

You are my ashes before it happens
The child of lashes
Brings the masses

(The child in lashes)
He brings the masses
(He was sent to bring the masses)

The sail that flies is turning black
Is turning black
Now awake the tide, nymphomaniac
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