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Get Low Lyrics

You try so hard to be
The black sheep of the family
Always so hard to see, so moody
You move me

Your days are hard, so hard
You look so tired, so tired
And your reward, your reward
You're a pariah, sweet pariah
Sweet pariah

And every day is like
A hunderd moonless midnights
And there is no light
Hiding behind those sunken eyes

Your days are hard, so hard
You look so tired, so tired
And your reward, your reward
You're a pariah, sweet pariah
Sweet pariah

You get low
You get low
You get low down
You get so low down now
You get low down

Your days are hard, so hard
You look so tired, so tired
And your reward, your reward
You're a pariah, sweet pariah
Sweet pariah

You get low
You get low
You get low down
You get so low down now
You get
You get
You get
You get so low down now
You get low down
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Cover art for Get Low lyrics by Toadies

I think this song is about a heroin addict. "Get low" is slang for using heroin. Sunken eyes, black sheep of the family, and sweet pariah also support this.