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Of These Chains Lyrics

So Here we are at the end now
I need to leave
But I only wanna stay with you

I never asked to be the one
To set me free
Another mask you wore that only I could see

Let me take you when I go
When I go
I don't wanna do this on my own
On my own

I'm breaking free but of these chains
Oh Let this one remain
Let me take you when I go

I can still feel you here
Now in this cage
Every link, another piece of you I saved ...

Afraid to open up the door to who I was before
And if I let go off these chains now
Will I float away
Can I just hold on ?!

Oh let me take you when I go
When I go
I don't wanna do this on my own
On my own

I'm breaking free but of these chains
So Let this one remain
Let me take when I go ...
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4 Meanings

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Cover art for Of These Chains lyrics by Red

"Every piece of you I saved" -you missed the 'you' there.

What at first sounded like a love song, is beginning to sound to me, upon more listens, like he's singing about and to the "mask" he mentions. He's afraid of leaving his cage where he is locked with his pretend self; afraid to go back to being real "of who I was before", might be referring to who he was before he made the mask. "I never asked to be the one to set me free" he has to make the choice to change; no one can make him do what he doesn't will himself. In the same way, this could be about addition or sins. In fact, that's more likely of the two, given the themes of some of the other songs. Just my thoughts; I'd like to see other opinions/answers because it's a beautiful song and I'd like to know about it.

@stickfigureparadise, The album, "Of beauty and rage," tells a story. Check out the lyrics to the previous song, "Fight to Forget," because it will help make sense of this song. I wrote a long meaning for this song on lyricsmode, which you can look up, since I'm having trouble pasting it here. Overall, "Of these chains" is primarily a Christian song about the struggle inside of a person fighting sin and temptation.

Cover art for Of These Chains lyrics by Red

In my opinion this song is about being afraid of leaving the comfort of where you are in life and breaking free from the habits/people/places that hold us back. The chains represent the things that hold us back in life and the fear of leaving a comfortable place sometimes causes us to ask god to "Let this chain remain" despite that it holds us back from reaching the place God intends us to be

Cover art for Of These Chains lyrics by Red

I thought perhaps this song was about a recent convert to Christianity. He/She is letting go of all the chains that bound them to their previous life without Jesus, and the other person, perhaps a nonbelieving very close friend or family member, is the last chain to that past life. The new Christian, seeing the love of Jesus and the atrocities of hell, says desperately, "Let me take you when I go," to the other side, Heaven/the Christian life. Just one interpretation.

My Interpretation
Cover art for Of These Chains lyrics by Red

It sounds like someone facing their past demons and theyre asking God to help them again with it

My Interpretation