2 Meanings
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Let The Truce Be Known Lyrics

As two kids who always spent
Their time and played with toy guns in their hands
There you stood in front of me
They taught me that you're my enemy

And when our eyes have met
We both set sails to death
With guns of grown up men
I fear it might be my last breath
Eye to eye
Our aim is blinded by the sun
Seeking higher ground
To a safe haven I now run

The night had fell on no man's land
This flute was heard from out there in the dark
I knew the words and joined in song
This nightly truce a miracle of hope

We raise our hands and walk
Upright to move towards each other
No guns, no death between
The enemies now turned to brothers
Together on this barren earth
I tell him of my son
No pawns or deadly toys
The morning comes, and we are done

We head to base and end the truce
That lasted through this war of liars
A vision of a better life
Where music drowns the toy gun's fire
Next night I see a shadow and
We both shoot in the name of God
As we fell down our eyes have met
Our friendship ends now in this turmoil of blood
2 Meanings
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This song is about two kids, one Palestinian, one Israeli, who grow up as friends, but as they grow older and begin their education, they're taught to hate each other and see each other as "mortal enemies." The "truce" that the song refers to is their childhood, and "the morning comes" refers to when they become young adults. Brainwashed to hate each other, they're no longer friends, but enemies.

It ends with the Israeli becoming a soldier and the Palestinian becoming a terrorist, in which when they see each other again, they both kill each other.

Song Meaning

@benjamindw so , these days we call someone who defends his country a terrorist :/ ??

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It's a song about the Christmas truce during WW1 It talks about how the two kids, one from the entente countries (likely Britain or France)and another from the axis (likely Germany) were brainwashed as kids that they must hate each other. It goes on to talk about the Christmas carrol that was played on Chris. Eve, whose melody was heard by the opposing soldiers axcross no man's land, and they started to sing. After this the opposing groups of soldiers came out of the trenches and celebrated Christmas together in no man's land. The next morning the truce is done and they go back to fighting again.

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