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Iron Sky Lyrics

We are proud individuals living for the city
But the flames couldn’t go much higher.
We find god and religion to bait us with salvation
But no-one, no nobody can give you the power to rise over love and over hate
Through this iron sky which is fast becoming our mind
Over fear and into freedom.

All that life that’s dripping down the walls
Of a dream that cannot breathe in this harsh reality.
Mass confusion, spoon-fed to the blind
Serves now to define a cold society
From which we’ll rise over love and over hate
To this iron sky which is fast becoming our mind
Over fear, and into freedom.
You just gotta hold on.
You just gotta hold on.

To those who can hear me I say: Do not despair! The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed - the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress. The hate of men will pass, and dictators die and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish. Don’t give yourselves to these unnatural men: machine men, with machine minds and machine hearts. You are not machines, you are not cattle, you are men! You, the people, have the power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure. Let us use that power. Let us all unite!

And we’ll rise over love, over hate
Through this iron sky that’s fast becoming our mind
And over fear and into freedom

From which we’ll rise over love, and over hate
Through this iron sky that’s fast becoming our mind
Over fear and into freedom.

Oh rain on me, rain on me, rain on me.
Song Info
Submitted by
2014 On Apr 23, 2014
6 Meanings
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Although it's pretty clear what he is saying, nothing can give you the ability, the tool to rise above it all, that society doesn't help on bit... I simply can't agree with his proposed solution. "You just got to hold on" and the statements that follow on uniting to become what the world needs is a nice thought but he neglects to recognize that there is a problem and that we are PART of that problem, at least if we don't find the root of it.

Personally, I think what Nutini is saying through this song is pleasant but too idealistic to be critical of salvation. We NEED salvation. Maybe not religion, but we need to be saved from ourselves in order to help the world (ourselves and others alike).

My Opinion

@softhought I wonder, is it him offering the solution or society?

I can't help but thinking he's mocking the solution that is given to us by society and the government alike - "You just got to hold on. That is what we are being told: that change will come, just hold on, but it never does. I feel like he's potentially echoing their words rather than offering that as a solution?

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I think he is saying that the war we are fighting now is against the "machine society". We don't know what to think because we haven't been told what to think!

Mass confusion spoon fed to the blind Serves now to define our cold society

He is saying that you can rise above it all (whatever "it" is!) by allowing your mind to be free.

@blue412 I focused on this part of the song as well. I really appreciate his use of the word "machine" because it can be both about the society as a system and the digital age's information overload. I wrote more about my thoughts in this post: tproll.wordpress.com/2014/12/17/through-this-iron-sky-thats-fast-becoming-our-minds-paolo-nutini/

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It is about the government and the breakdown of our society and the fact that Scotland want independence.Paolo was a big advocate for the yes vote and made no secret of it. 'Over fear into freedom'. Hope over fear.....

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We consider ourselves cultured individuals living in modern societies but we have prejudices.

We hate people of certain ideologies, backgrounds and colors and love others based on these characteristics. Mostly we are fed this information like a machine; who to love and who to hate is decided for us by others. And when we do harm to someone, we seek salvation in religion or we find another excuse to forgive ourselves.

There is an iron sky of prejudice building up over our minds and we cannot see beyond that.

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I think this song is about a society that has lost it's way. The pressures, stress that come with our organisation of society overlook our human needs. We have become machine man, be it through army or corperate ladder. In looking up, we have forgotten to look at each other. We have been mislead, become blind through disinformation and become a cold society.

The answer is to look at each other, to remember life is not about survival, but living. We forgot the beauty.

This article shows that understanding very well 'Love has understanding come and judgement fade', wp.me/p1CJVT-9Y

Song Meaning
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This song is even better live. I love his voice!

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