Unfucktheworld Lyrics
I started dancing just to be around you
Here's to thinking that it all meant so much more
I kept my mouth shut and opened up the door
For this to never be a tied and empty hand
If all the trouble in my heart would only end
I lost my dream I lost my reason all again
I have to save my life
I need some peace of mind
I am the only one now
I am the only one now
I am the only one now
You may not be around
You may not be around
I am the only one now
I am the only one now
I am the only one now

Unfucktheworld always gives me the feels.
I just think there are so many ways to interpret the song, all with sad endings. "I am the only one now"

I think this song is about a person who has put their life on hold for someone. " I quit my dreaming the moment that I found you" and lived for the other. But now the relationship or the flirtationship ( " here's to thinking it all meant so much more") has come to an end This person has to find herself again ("I have to save my life") because she's not certain that the other person will come back.

I love this song, it brings up a lot of feelings for me.
I think this song is about someone who thought they had fallen 'in love' with someone else and it fell apart or turned out not to be what she thought.
The beginning of the song the singer tells that 'I quit my dreaming the moment that I found you' As in, she thought she had found 'the one' and she could stop her search. The lines that follow hint at a problem down the line and then, in the next stanza, the lyrics 'I wanted nothing but for this to be the end' break my heart because, for me, it seems like the singer wanted this person to be the end of her search for love and is truly heart broken that she was wrong. 'For this to never be a tied and empty hand' - (hands tied/empty handed) She never wanted the relationship to be compromised/fall apart. She didn't want to feel disappointed or disappoint. 'I lost my dream I lost my reason all again' - the singer is lost again. She is back to searching, back to being alone and existing by herself.
The end of the song, the singer explains how she needs to take care of herself and she can't put herself through this painful relationship anymore. She finally puts herself first, even if it hurts and means being alone.

I've been on the receiving end of this song. I recently got out of a relationship with a girl and while we were insanely happy together, she had to leave because she needed to figure out personal issues and do that on her own. She had relied too much on other people to deal with her stuff in the past, and I happened to meet her at a wrong place in her life.
"It's not just me for you, I have to look out too I have to save my life I need some peace of mind I am the only one now"
This hits me hard.

"I quit my dreaming the moment that I found you"
That kind of love that intoxicates you and makes you forget what your own priorities were: school, career, personal, etc. The person can become so "addicting" that it's all you think about. You'll self-sabotage if it means just spending a moment with them. You'll self-sacrifice for them, sometimes in unhealthy ways. You stop focusing on everything else. Your mind is almost always on them and you struggle to think of anything else. (See the song by Mickey & Silvia 'Love Will Make You Fail In School')
"I started dancing just to be around you"
Could be implying a way to appear most appealing to lure them towards you? Picking up hobbies/interests of theirs that normally weren't yours, albeit out of character or something you're not normally into. Sometimes compromising yourself for a moment of their presence.
"Here's to thinking that it all meant so much more"
This line makes me think this leans more towards a flirtationship/nothing defined or tied a committed label to. Not a committed relationship gone sour.
"I kept my mouth shut and opened up the door"
Silencing yourself, your heart, your hurt and stepping forward (opening the door to go forward regardless) - falling deeply for the person even if it's self-sabotaging. There's a line from The National that can be used here "All the very best of us string ourselves up for love." Sometimes in relationships we allow our boundaries to be crossed, when we normally wouldn't, because we are blinded by feelings of love. The alternative could be (given the next lyric) as simple as leaving.
"I wanted nothing but for this to be the end
For this to never be a tied and empty hand" These two lines in collaboration, to me, allude to the end of searching for the "one who completes us" or will be our life partner/other half. Expressing that you really REALLY wanted this to work out. 'Tied and empty hand' imply lack of control over the situation or the other person of them giving you nothing.
"If all the trouble in my heart would only mend"
My interpretations are two here: Grieving and wishing away the pain from the heartbreak. Second could also be, but probably projecting here, that maybe their headspace isn't doing so well because of this relationship coming to an end. When you're in deep emotional pain and there's no escape, you just wish you would get over it already so it would stop from hurting so much.
"I lost my dream, I lost my reason all again"
The way you feel lost/forgot who you were after you've been met with heartbreak that you lost sight of yourself in. Maybe you spent years learning to be your own motivator then this person comes along and become a habit of being the thing that drives you. Especially one in which you gave and received little to nothing back. Not all heartbreak results in you feeling lost in this way but sometimes it can cause negative traits coming out such as (as forementioned the first verse) giving up yourself, dreams and ambitions because you fell so deeply into doing what you could for them.
"It's not just me for you I have to look out too I have to save my life I need some peace of mind"
This is why I feel it was definitely the latter of the relationships I previously mentioned - one that didn't fully develop into a mutually committed relationship. A relationship that may have caused you so much conflict within yourself from the desperation, confusion, wanting to prove you're worth the investment by overexerting yourself that you put yourself on the back burner.
[Edit: spelling]

I think this song is about someone realizing that they basically sold their soul to the one that they love, and coming to the fact that the one they love might not always be around in their life, but they themselves will be. So they need to be their for themselves.

I think this song is about her losing her faith.

For my own personal reasons, these lines always hit me the most:
It's not just me for you I have to look out too I have to save my life I need some peace of mind
Reminds me of a time in my life in which my former partner was in need of care... but I couldn't give him everything he needed, and he didn't reliably seek/have support from other sources. Unfortunately, he became increasingly aggressive toward me, to the point at which I felt I had to leave. I also was not the epitome of mental health at the time, and leaving him allowed me to become more stabilized. In any event, it was heartbreaking; but I think that in the end, it was better for both of us.