The Moon Song Lyrics
My dear, I'll be there soon
It's a quiet starry place
Times we're swallowed up
In space we're here a million miles away
There's no thing I keep from you
It's a dark and shiny place
But with you my dear
I'm safe and we're a million miles away
It's a perfect afternoon
Your shadow follows me all day
Making sure I'm okay and
We're a million miles away

It's either about a long distance relationship or, something that I'm experiencing, where you like best friends with the person and its a one sided love but you still feel safe and happy around them.

I think it’s written about dating someone with counter-dependence. When you are counter dependent you push away every form of a relationship as soon as you get close to them, even though it’s actually the last thing you want. It makes you feel detached and alone inside. She’s/He’s lying on the moon because, even though she/he feels close to him/her in proximity, she/he feels far away from him/her emotionally. It’s talking about how his/her ‘shadow’, aka guilt off being distant from the person she/he cares about the most, follows her/him around all day. She/He feels safe with him/her but her/his counter-dependence won’t let her/him open up to him/her leaving her/him feeling guilty and sad. She/He compares it to space because their relationship feels empty. The things she/he wishes she/he knew is why her/his brain does this to her/him, ultimately hurting her/his relationship unintentionally when her/his SO finally realize how she/he really feels.
@sadgirl04 that's a really nice way to put it.
@sadgirl04 that's a really nice way to put it.