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Savia Lyrics

I am not aware of all the reasons, I am not deciding the results
Sanctioned through the principles autonomously blessed
Moving clouds to get a clearer view

Misery s the key to all religion, power is the key to every war
Time has taught me not to wait, what is mine I ll take
Eons of our past won't be returned
I was there to recognize the victim, cold and dry our mother has been killed
Plundered by the greed of men aftermath descends
Our time is sliding out of reach

I don't even wanna try to become the one that will save your halo
Everything that I denied every time that I lied, aware of our failure

I'm not gonna follow your decision, it is the position I retain
Everything once born will end, ashes be your name;
Bury me to set me free of shame
This is not the dust that we once came from, what we are is how we will return
The sun is punishing our land, soil turns into sand
What we had in common has been cursed

I try not to reveal the guilt breeding in me

You are the scythe harvesting what is not yours, soon won't be there anymore

I don't even wanna try to become the one that will save your halo
Everything that I denied every time that I lied, aware of our failure.

There's a new day
What we should share is noticed
What we inherited
The erasure of a life
Once so vital
Now dissected and dry
Throw the first stone
Then hide your hand
While pursuing your dream
Poisoning the essence of it all
I don't even wanna try
To become the one
That will save your halo.
Song Info
Submitted by
elvishidentity On Jan 28, 2013
1 Meaning
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I see the line "I am not deciding the results", as being a statement that the teller of the story is not not meaning to 'judge' the things they see as being 'bad' in only the sense that it displeases them, but instead as relation of cause-and-effect...as facts that won't won't disappear by being ignored or denied. That the wheel, is already in motion.

I see the line "autonomously blessed", as a rebuttal to the idea of absolution of personal responsibility, that those involved were only executing policy, following orders. That it wasn't their choice.

I see the victim, the "mother", as being the earth itself: 'mother earth'.

I believe that the lyric "what we have in common has been lost", is meant to relay that what we, all lifeforms, not humans alone, have in common is a dependence on the planet, which we humans are overreaching our share. That this has already been comprimised to the degree that the earth's soil cannot return to its level of health before our time here.

The idea of the soil becoming sand symbolizes both mankind's contribution to global warming and overfarming's depletion of the soil's nutrients.

I see the "halo" as symbolizing guilt assuagement, as a reference to the bible being used to justify the exploitation of the earth. The idea that the earth was only created as a 'resource' for our use. Similar to the idea that animals were created for the sole purpose of being our food.

I believe the "what is mine I'll take" refers to self possesion of ones own observation, to have open eyes, to be mindful, not complacent and oblivious. That one can at least say, what is mine is my own mind.

I see the "guilt breeding in me" as imparting that teller has a feeling of being complicit in the times they were ignorant of the problem they now see. That is the guilt they feel now.

I see the "bury me" lyric as expression of the feeling that they by even being, are part-of-the-problem.

I believe "the scythe harvesing what is not yours" in this whole context is pretty much symbolic summary.

My Interpretation
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