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Whispering Lyrics

Whispering, whispering, whispering, whispering
As I pass myself down to my knees
Whispering, whispering, whispering, whispering
As I fall through the willow trees, and I said

Who will care for the fallen?
Who will care for the falling.. leaves?

Whispering, whispering, whispering, whispering
As I fall through the willow trees, and I said

Who will care for the fallen?
Who will care for the fallen?

Autumn shades, calm my shaking hands,
Tender, cool breeze, keeps me where I am
Suddenly here, when I want to scream
Autumn calms me down, keeps me in my dreams

Then I went whispering, whispering, whispering, whispering
As I pass myself down to my knees
Whispering, whispering, those dew drops are glistening
As I fall through the willow trees, and I said

Who will care for the fallen?
Who would care for the fallen?

Autumn shades, calm my shaking hands
Tender, cool breeze keeps me where I am
Suddenly here, when I want to scream
Autumn calms me down, leaves me in her dreams

Keep on falling down, they keep on falling down
Keep on falling down, keep on falling down

Autumn shades, calm my shaking hands
Tender, cool breeze, keeps me where I am
Suddenly here, when I want to scream
Autumn calms me down, leaves me in my dreams

Autumn shades, calm my shaking hands
Tender, cool breeze, keeps me where I am
Suddenly hearing, when I want to scream
Oh, please just cut me down, leave me in my dreams
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Cover art for Whispering lyrics by Alex Clare

I believe this song is an analogy between Autumn and Thanotos; the Greek god of death. Thanatos would carry those whose time had passed into the underworld. The calming caretaker of the falling.

"Whispering" is a metaphor for fading away. "Who will care for the falling?" "Autumn shades, calm my shaking hands" "Suddenly here. When I want to scream, Autumn calms me down, leaves me in my dreams" -- the eternal sleep.