Hurt No More Lyrics
nobody ever tore me down like you
i think you knew it all along
and now you'll never see my face again
i never meant to hurt nobody
and will i ever see the sun again?
i wonder where the guilt had gone,
i think of what i have become
and still..
i never meant to hurt nobody
now i'm taking what is mine.
build a fire from what i've learned
and watch it fade away,
because i have no heart to break
i cannot fake it like before
i thought that i could stay the same
and now i know that i'm not sure,
i even love me anymore.
sometimes you gotta look the other way
it never should've lasted so long
ashame you'll never see my face again
i never meant to hrut nobody
i know i'll never be the same again
now taking back what i have done
i think of what i have become
and still..
i never meant to hurt nobody
now i'm taking what is mine
build a fire from what i've learned
and watch it fade away,
because i have no heart to break
i cannot fake it like before
i thought that i could stay the same
and now i know that i'm not sure,
i even love me anymore.
nobody ever tore me down like you
i never meant to hurt no one
now i'm taking what is mine.
build a fire from what i've learned
and watch it fade away,
because i have no heart to break
i cannot fake it like before
i thought that i could stay the same
and now i know that i'm not sure,
i even love me anymore.

Omg how is it that no one has commented on this song yet? It's fucking amazing, my sister just had to play it for a couple of seconds and I instantly fell in love with it. I must have heard over 1000 times already and it hasn't even been a week. It's really good, very powerful lyrics, catchy beat and everything. It's just awesome, definitely my favorite from Vulnerable.
(highlights: "I'm not even sure if I love ME anymore" "now i'm taking what is mine." "i never meant to hurt nobody" (double negative but whatever) "Letting go of my mistakes"
Not exactly what this song is about specifically, maybe about how he's regretting a whole bunch of shit he did to himself as well as others in the past. But then also moving on from those hangups, and just learning from the past too....idk