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Being Exemplary Lyrics

And this is what shall come to pass.
And this is what the children shall learn...
A new precept for the world to adopt.

Rough diamonds in the palms of fools
Prepare for the lowest standard.
Unable to give the crucial gift of reason.

The unwise teaching wisdom.
Fools, unable to give the crucial gift of reason.
The absurd defining priority.

What more can be expected of a child,
Being a product of the stark worst -
Its fathers blood.

Censure rightly;
The ascendants,
Make no mistake.
They are veritably criminal.

Down the random path of chance.
Fare thee well

Against the wind,
Set sail,
Under the misguiding light of faulty beacons.

Set sail,
With vices for virtues,
Against the wind,
Dishonor for ethics,
And excess for etiquette,
As examples -

Such sorry examples.
And what of the children...

Ignorant of it's weight.

Blind to it's worth.

Something is terribly amiss
Is nothing but a burden.
When the beauty and the miracle of new life

This burden is a child.
This burden is a life

Speaking of truth and loyalty.
Men without dedication
Women without conviction

Teaching respect and compassion.

And what of the children...
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4 Meanings

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Cover art for Being Exemplary lyrics by Shai Hulud

Its about being a good example for your kids.

Song Meaning
Cover art for Being Exemplary lyrics by Shai Hulud

i feel like this song is about crappy parents who have kids and neglect or treat them badly, and are "such sorry examples," hence "being exemplary"

regardless, great song

Cover art for Being Exemplary lyrics by Shai Hulud

It's about humanity discarding Platonic and Aristotelien methods of education -or- the ability to utilize emotional and reasoning skills, learning how to question, so as to achieve true independence of thought. And, on another hand- our lack of ability to use this reasoning to develop laws, rules, and govern morally. Thus, providing our youth with no guidelines...sending them down "the random path of chance". It's about our neglect of the youth, and our inability to instill these qualities in them.

"Diamonds in the palms of fools" as in Ignorance breeds nothing other than itself.

Cover art for Being Exemplary lyrics by Shai Hulud

I think more specifically this is about being a good example to children and the generations after you. If you live purposefully, pass that on as the "precept" to live by. \n\nOr neglect them and allow the next generation to lead aimless, unguided and rudderless lives. \n\nYou don\'t need to do this by any ridiculously virtuous method; looking both ways before you cross the road when you don\'t necessarily need to when a kid might be watching, things like that contribute in some small way even.