39 Meanings
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7 Lyrics

All seven and we'll watch them fall
They stand in the way of love
And we will smoke them all
With an intellect and a savior-faire
No one in the whole universe
Will ever compare

I am yours now and you are mine
And together we'll love through all
Space and time, so don't cry
One day all seven will die

All seven and we'll watch them fall
They stand in the way of love
And we will smoke them all
With an intellect and a savoir-faire
No one in the whole universe
Will ever compare

I am yours now and you are mine
And together we'll love through all
Space and time, so don't cry
One day all seven will die

And I saw an angel come down unto me
In her hand she holds the very key
Words of compassion, words of peace
And in the distance an army's marching feet (one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four)
But behold, we will watch them fall

And we lay down on the sand of the sea
And before us animosity will stand and decree
That we speak not of love only blasphemy
And in the distance, six others will curse me
But that's alright (that's alright)
For I will watch them fall (one, two, three, four, five, six, seven)

All seven and we'll watch them fall
They stand in the way of love
And we will smoke them all
With an intellect and a savoir-faire
No one in the whole universe
Will ever compare

I am yours now and you are mine
And together we'll love through all
Space and time, so don't cry
One day all seven will die

(Just how old?)

And we will see a plague and a river of blood
And every evil soul will surely die in spite of
And seven tears, but do not fear
For in the distance, twelve souls from now
You and me will still be here
We will still be here

There will be a new city with streets of gold
Young so educated they never grow old
And a, there will be no death for with every breath
A voice of many colors sings a song that's so bold
Sing it while we watch them fall

All seven and we'll watch them fall
They stand in the way of love
And we will smoke them all
With an intellect and a savoir-faire
No one in the whole universe
Will ever compare

I am yours now and you are mine
And together we'll love through all
Space and time, so don't cry
One day all seven will die

(Just how old?)

(Just how old?)

(Just how old?)
39 Meanings
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It is the 7 world powers that will fall...most of this song is based on the prophecies in Revelations. Former Jehovah's Witness here and I don't know if Prince was studying with them when he wrote it but the whole song feels like it has a lot of JW influence in it...still love Prince and this song though even if I find the actual religion to be bunk.

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To me, the first stanza describes (1) the 7 major religions and their propensity to stifle either sexual expression or pacifism. (2) that he and others who espouse logic and intellectualism will triumph over religion's inability to reconcile man's nature (3) Re-stating that no religion is able to perform or duplicate the success of intellectualism (4) An affirmation and reassurance to those who espouse intellectualism to be patient until the influence of the world's religions wane.

Second Stanza (1) This is basically a mockery of the ironic and duplicitous nature of many religions in which peace and love can somehow co-exist with killing and death

Third Stanza (1) Here he describes what could be Christianity condemning his message, solely because it does not align itself with that of the Christian faith. And because of the similar dogmatic nature of other religions, he endures condemnation from them, but calmly alludes to their forthcoming capitulation.

Fourth Stanza In a cryptic but sardonic display, he pokes fun at the fear-inducing tenets of many religions which depict the end of the world to its followers as a horrific bloodbath, despite the unflinching adherence of millions of followers. He also jokes that, despite his status as a non-believer, he will still be around when that happens, as if to suggest that it's all bunk to begin with.

Fifth Stanza This is undoubtedly the highest level of mockery. He describes what Christianity teaches will be the life lived in Heaven by Christians, describing the fantastic notions of the absence of death and never growing old. He describes a level of unity within every race and creed never before achieved previously on earth. And then, he insinuates that the highest symbol of the Christian hope, the prize that all hope to enjoy upon entering Heaven, perfect unity, actually belongs to him and those like him. SING THEIR OWN SONG TO THEM AS WE WATCH THEM GO DOWN. Wow...

Song Meaning

Exactly. I like the way you think!

Ok.........bagomojo was the closest to the translation of this song. I was a Jehovah's Witness for many years. (most of my life) When I heard this song, I instantly recongnized exactly what he was talking about. He's currently a witness and has been one since 2001. He's talking about watching all 7 of the world powers die (meaning human government "world powers" thru all time) I don't believe the 7th has been revealed (i'm talking about the 7th world power) In the end of this "system of things" all the 7 will...

I realize that he made this song prior to becoming a witness, but he was raised seventh day adventist which has very close teachings (not all but some).

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Uhh this songs about over comming the seven deadly sins for love.

its kinda obvious

@x0x0longhornx0x0 Sorry, but, it is about the 7 beasts written about in Revelations. It has nothing to do with 7 deadly sins... it is 100% about Christ's love overcoming the 7 beasts in the end times and that all believers get to watch the evil fall/die. It does not say in the Bible who/what the 7 beasts represent exactly. Whether countries, people, or ideas, but it is the end time prophesy that Love/Jesus will overcome them and they will fall/die. ;)

@x0x0longhornx0x0 7 beasts=7 deadly sins Why not?

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I agree with the seven deadly sins theory... for 2 reasons: 1) Think about what the majority of Prince's songs are and what they are based on... sex. 2) He mentions "all 7" in Sex in the Summer too

@Dancer87 Sorry, but, it is about the 7 beasts written about in Revelations. It has nothing to do with 7 deadly sins... it is 100% about Christ's love overcoming the 7 beasts in the end times and that all believers get to watch the evil fall/die. It does not say in the Bible who/what the 7 beasts represent exactly. Whether countries, people, or ideas, but it is the end time prophesy that Love/Jesus will overcome them and they will fall/die. ;)

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The song “Seven” is replete with images and references to the Bible book of Revelation. The number seven is used repeatedly to reveal a series of prophetic visions: there are seven seals opened, seven trumpet blasts, and seven bowls of anger poured out. The number appears 55 times in Revelation. You can see the similarities by comparing the below statements with the acutal lyrics.

When the fifth of the seven angels blows his trumpet an angel with the key to the abyss appears (Rev. 9:1). When the abyss is opened an army of strange scorpions is released (Rev. 9:2, 3).

In Revelation chapter 13, the dragon stands on the “sand of the sea” and a “wild beast” with seven heads ascends out of the waters. It's “mouth speaks great things and blasphemies” (Rev. 13:5) One of it's heads is “slaughtered” leaving six (Rev. 13:3).

A 'river of blood' comes from a winepress (Rev. 14:20) followed by seven plagues (Rev. 15:1). The lamb has “seven eyes” (Rev. 5:6) and “New Jerusalem” is founded on the names of the “twelve apostles of the Lamb” (Rev 21:14) This new city is made of “pure gold” (Rev. 21:18). Revelation 21:4 states: “he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.” The city is related to the singers of Revelation 14:2, 3 that sing a “new song” that sounds of “loud thunder.”

Song Meaning
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ok folks, in the bible, babylon (or religious confusion) is referred to as female. God instructs his people to "come out of her". The seven-headed beast referred to in the bible book of revelation is actually the seven major religious denominations (see the book of revelation) also known as babylon. These religions and religious leaders will preach peace to deceive mankind, but their actions will not match their words. they will wage war in the name of peace. This is what Prince is talking about when he says "And I saw an angel come down unto me In her hand she holds the very key Words of compassion, words of peace And in the distance an army's marching feet (1 2 3 4, 1 2 3 4) But behold, we will watch them fall". The bible promises, however, that these seven religious denominations will fall; "sing it while we watch them fall". This is a beautiful song about the hope of things getting better for christians everywhere, even though at the moment they seem to be getting worse.

@Dani1987 Yep that's what it is all about, I love you PRINCE

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Nooo idea what this song is about, but it is his best, by far!

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This song definitely has religious overtones. I think Prince is referring to the 7 deadly sins. One can never truly achieve true love with sin in the way. Sin is loving yourself more than loving others. So Prince is saying they will "smoke" all the 7 deadly sins and love each other more than they love themselves...

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for me it could be the 'seven religion' possibilities , since does it say "All 7 and we'll watch them fall" therefore it must treat him of something important\ancient, besides "they stand in the way of love", therefore is it probable that refers to one institution or ideology that it produces hate, doesn't it? Moreover it says "And we will smoke them all With an intellect savoir-faire and..." and normally the enemy of religions is intellect. "And in the distance, 6 others will curse me", as if something that for one religion is love for the others is "only blasphemy". Finally: "And I saw an angel come down unto me In her hand she holds the very key Words of compassion, words of peace And in the distance an army's marching feet", 'couse the words of every religion speak of love and peace, and every religion has something truthful (the very key), but beyond those words they have army, war and hate... But this is only my poor opinion.

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"And we lay down on the sand of the sea And before us animosity will stand and decree That we speak not of love only blasphemy And in the distance, 6 others will curse me"

This bit makes me think that "Animosity" is one of the Seven. Since Animosity isn't one of the seven deadly sins, it invalidates that theory. Unfortunately, it doesn't give us any idea on what the other Six are.

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