Arms Lyrics
But you came around and you knocked me off the ground from the start
And I believe that it's easier for you to let me go
You put your arms me and I'm home
I can't decide if I'll let you save my life or if I'll drown...
I hope that you catch me cause I'm already falling
I'll never let a love get so close
You put your arms around me and I'm home
I never wanna leave you but I can't make you bleed if I'm alone
and I believe that it's easier for you to let me go...
I hope that you catch me cause I'm already falling
I'll never let a love get so close
You put your arms around me and I'm home...
And I've never opened up I've never truly loved
Til you put your arms around
And I believe that it's easier for you to let me go
I hope that you catch me cause I'm already falling
I'll never let a love get so close
You put your arms around me and I'm home...

This song is breathtaking, I can relate to every word.
Some comments/explanations for people who want them:
“How many times will let you me change my mind and turn around? I can't decide if I'll let you save my life or if I'll drown.”
Somebody being reluctant in a relationship, often backing out of commitment for fear of being hurt. Not knowing the capacity of the person's love, trust and patience. Being undecided about whether one will drown in indecision and lose the loved one or whether she can overcome her fear of commitment/getting hurt/etc.
“I hope that you see right through my walls I hope that you catch me cause I'm already falling”
I hope that you can tell what I'm thinking and why I'm hesitant, rather than getting fed up with me and ending the relationship. I hope that you can see who I really am. I'm already struggling personally so I hope you can and will help. I'm already falling/fallen for you.
“The world is coming down on me and I can't find a reason to be loved I never wanna leave you but I can't make you bleed if I'm alone”
Everything is going wrong and I don't think you'll love me any longer. This whole deal is making me feel bad and I wonder if we should end it. I love you, I never want to leave you. I keep hurting you because I am scared. I don't understand why you love me, when you could just leave. I love you so much i can't leave, and if I did, I couldn't hurt you and that would be two losses.
“I tried my best to never let you in to see the truth and I've never opened up I've never truly loved Til you put your arms around and I believe that it's easier for you to let me go”
I tried for you to never see how much I loved and needed you, who I really was and who I wanted us to be. I have never loved until I met you and until i realised how insecure I was about the whole idea of love and attachment.
@littlemissangel29 This is exactly what the song means. Great interpretation and word choice! Thanks!
@littlemissangel29 This is exactly what the song means. Great interpretation and word choice! Thanks!

“I never thought that you would be the one to hold my heart but you came around and you knocked me off the ground from the start”
This verse is pretty self explanatory, she’s saying how she never expected this person to be the one she’s so in love with and tangled up in. This person has basically swept her off her feet the moment she saw them.
“You put your arms around me and I believe that it's easier for you to let me go you put your arms me and I'm home”
They hug and she feels like she’s home, she feels safe, protected, comfortable, happy, just by this person putting their arms around her, but she’s doubts this person she’s with feels the same, she couldn’t let them go easily or at all - “I believe it’s easier for you to let me go”
“How many times will let you me change my mind and turn around? I can't decide if I'll let you save my life or if I'll drown...”
This verse is kind of tricky I’m not sure what it means possibly she’s contemplating leaving them but doesn’t cause her cant handle life without them she would “drown” without their love.
“I hope that you see right through my walls I hope that you catch me cause I'm already falling I'll never let a love get so close You put your arms around me and I'm home”
She’s put up walls to protect herself from getting hurt and preventing love to come into her life, she possibly pretends not to care about the person she’s with and makes it seem like she doesn’t need them when in reality this one person is their world. She hopes this person sees through this mask and sees that she really does care about them. She can’t bare the hurt of losing them as she’s “already falling” meaning she’s already in love.
“The world is coming down on me and I can't find a reason to be loved I never wanna leave you but I can't make you bleed if I'm alone”
She goes into a spiral of depression and insecurity possibly even jealousy surfacing thinking they don’t want her anymore. She doesn’t understand why the person she’s with could love her she picks out her every flaw; she wants to leave them because she isn’t good enough but cant she’s to tangled up in them. She hurts them constantly and by doing so hides her true feelings, she doesn’t want them getting close to her she can’t their handle love.
“I tried my best to never let you in to see the truth and I've never opened up I've never truly loved Til you put your arms around and I believe that it's easier for you to let me go”
She tried so hard for her partner to never see that she needed them or loved them as much as she did for fear of scaring them away, she didn’t want to open up and love them in case they didn’t feel the same about her — she’s question their feelings for her. She’s never truly felt this way about anyone before but restricts her affection to this person because she believes they don’t feel the same.
“You put your arms around me and I believe that it's easier for you to let me go you put your arms me and I'm home”
“You put your arms around me and I believe that it's easier for you to let me go you put your arms me and I'm home”
I beleive this is saying that she feels like she belongs when shes with this certain person and she knows she is safe with him and she wants to be with him. but she doesnt think she deserves him and that if he let her go he would be better off, but he still holds on to her.
I beleive this is saying that she feels like she belongs when shes with this certain person and she knows she is safe with him and she wants to be with him. but she doesnt think she deserves him and that if he let her go he would be better off, but he still holds on to her.
“How many times will let you me change my mind and turn around? I can't decide if...
“How many times will let you me change my mind and turn around? I can't decide if I'll let you save my life or if I'll drown...”
She knows she likes him, but she isnt sure if she's ready to fall in head first.
@TurningOn...what part..."head first?" HaHa...Never!
@TurningOn...what part..."head first?" HaHa...Never!
@galoomp...who is "them?"
@galoomp...who is "them?"

It's a fight between the mind and the heart. The heart wants to be loved and the mind doesn't want it.
I agree. And I am shocked/disappointed that there are so few comments on this song. It's really good. I just recently saw her on TV and noticed she had her teeth fixed; I was so angry when many of the first comments about her (after Jar of Hearts was released) had to do with her crooked teeth. She was blasted for being....ah....HUMAN. At least on TV her look hadn't changed drastically...and she seemed like a sweet, down-to-earth young woman. Very impressive, much like this song.
I agree. And I am shocked/disappointed that there are so few comments on this song. It's really good. I just recently saw her on TV and noticed she had her teeth fixed; I was so angry when many of the first comments about her (after Jar of Hearts was released) had to do with her crooked teeth. She was blasted for being....ah....HUMAN. At least on TV her look hadn't changed drastically...and she seemed like a sweet, down-to-earth young woman. Very impressive, much like this song.

It's about a girl who is terrified, so terrified. They aren't together, no, they're simply best friends.
You see, I went through the same thing with my best friend only 2 days ago now. I am just madly in love with this girl, right? She couldn't be more perfect to me, she just couldn't. So I took a weekend to visit her, and she doesn't feel the same way perhaps? I'm not sure, I wish she was lying to me; but she told me we couldn't see each other any longer. Why? Because there's a part of me that still bleeds everytime she's thought of. Imagine loving someone so much, for girls: He comes up and wraps his arms around you, and you lay your head back on his chest, you couldn't feel safer right? But what if you're just too close.. So afraid that it'll end in heartbreak and you have shattered someone's heart..
But it's more selfish than that lol.. You don't want the heartache, you don't want to be the reason that person suffers, because they won't just suffer, you will ruin that person. Or would you?
To save his heart from the "true" person you are, you tell him to never see you again. Your safety, gone. His heart, shattered. You cry. He cries. But nobody knows.. Nobody knows. You won't ever know, because you didn't give him that chance to sweep you off your feet.
She wanted to take a break from me, and just be distant because she couldn't stand hurting me. I could feel the attachment and the resentment, it was tangible. She made me the happiest and most depressed person ever haha.. I couldn't have been happier to hold her in my arms, and couldn't have been more depressed to see her break away and turn her head.. Just to look me in the face with those morbid eyes, those eyes that just said, "No. You and I.. This.. Could -never- happen."
It was world shattering, every single time. So she asked for a break, and I said no, and let her go because I couldn't take the torture anymore.. We'd been down this road before.. I just became so tired of being the one that catches her when she's falling for some other guy that wants nothing from her... I bled and bled, and bled; she can't make me bleed if I'm alone; the bleeding will stop once there's nothing left to bleed. All there's left is a gaping hole.
Interesting to hear it from the guy's point of view isn't it? I decided to look up the meaning because it couldn't have been more perfect for everything that happened, four long, beautiful, painful years of loving my best friend. It's sad to see she couldn't reciprocate the love I have for her, but I believe it's easier for me to let her go...
My. Gosh. That was gorgeous. I didn't really get the song until I read your take on it, but you've got it exactly. And you know, it fits for me, too. Goodness, your story brought tears to my eyes. I wish you the best. :j
My. Gosh. That was gorgeous. I didn't really get the song until I read your take on it, but you've got it exactly. And you know, it fits for me, too. Goodness, your story brought tears to my eyes. I wish you the best. :j

i think this song is about battle between heart & mind...

Every now and then, a song comes along that I just feel so DEEPLY -- this is 100% one of those songs.
In my eyes, it's about two people -- one who wants desperately to be with the other, and one who desperately wants to be with the other but won't allow him or herself -- because they're dealing with a personal struggle. I find myself in this situation right now.
There is a man who I am crazy about. From the moment we met, even before we met actually, I knew it was love. And he is crazy about me, too -- but he is also battling some addictions. Some, I now know about; others, I don't. (But I know they exist.) We are not together right now, because he needs to battle them alone.
"You put your arms around me And I believe that it's easier for you to let me go You put your arms around me and I'm home"
When the two of us were together, and even when we see each other around now, every time we embrace and our arms are around each other, it's magical. A feeling of comfort. A feeling of home. But for him, it's also a feeling of fear -- because he knows he has to deal with this situation on his own. The easier thing is to let me go, rather than bring me into it.
"How many times will let you me change my mind and turn around I can't decide if I'll let you save my life or if I'll drown"
He keeps wanting to come back, but then turning away -- because he knows that right now, it's not right. He sees me as a source of hope, his "life preserver" if you will -- but he doesn't know if he'll be able to reach it or not.
"I hope that you see right through my walls I hope that you catch me, 'cause I'm already falling I'll never let a love get so close"
While deep down he wants to be with me, he's forcing himself to be guarded -- because he knows that's the only way to make the separation easier.
"The world is coming down on me And I can't find a reason to be loved I never wanna leave you But I can't make you bleed if I'm alone"
Fighting his own fight, he feels hopeless. He wants desperately to be with me, but knows that he can't. The only way for him to protect me from the pain and bleeding of what he's going through -- is to be alone.
His demons may be different from what others are dealing with, but it all has to do with that inner struggle. I'm not sure how our story ends, but I do know one thing: any time he puts his arms around me, I am home. I only hope and pray that we end up home -- together -- for good.
your story is so sad and really hope you guys end up together... you;re very patient and hope it all pays off, i can relate so much to your situation and i know its difficult but God knows best, have faith :)
your story is so sad and really hope you guys end up together... you;re very patient and hope it all pays off, i can relate so much to your situation and i know its difficult but God knows best, have faith :)

The individual is caught off guard by the suddent realization that this person is the "one," the person that holds her heart.
She feels secure and safe with him, she understands that it will be almost impossible to let him go, hence the "I believe that it's easier for you to let me go" statement.
She battles with her feelings and continues to go back and forth with him. He continues to accept her, no matter what. She doesn't understand why he would do this. She doesn't realize that he is just as "in love" with her as she is with him. She battles with her feelings and the realization that he could be her salvation, accepting him could save her, rejecting him will lead to her demise.
However, even though she is batteling with her emotions and most likely sending off mixed signals, she hopes he will see right through her. She is already falling in love and wants him to be the one who catches her. When she feels that sense of panic, feels like running, he holds her in his arms and she is home, safe, content.
She hasn't had much luck in the past and doesn't feel she is worthy of love, which leads her to be more confused about this releationship. She doesn't want to leave him, however if she leaves him she won't be able to hurt him. She loves him so much she is freaking herself out, she doesn't want to hurt him, she doesn't want to get hurt, she is in a battle with her emotions and the love she has for him.
She's never let any one get so close, she's never been so vulnerable, and that scares her, but when he holds her in his arms he pulls her back to that secure feeling, home.
I believe this is a beautiful song. It really captures the depth of that vulnerable feeling that accompanies love, that confused, scared feeling. But it also captures the way love can pull us from that scared vulnerability into a feeling of safety and security. Very good song.....
You covered it well except for the part "if she leaves him she won't be able to hurt him." I suppose some people might hold that opinion, but what person is not hurt if the one they love leaves? When love is involved, there is usually hurt all around. As I learned in a college class on human behavior, we cannot have love without hate. They go hand-in-hand with indifference being the opposite of love. Indifference brings peace while both love and hate bring heartache. I coudn't recall the name of this song even though each time it plays on...
You covered it well except for the part "if she leaves him she won't be able to hurt him." I suppose some people might hold that opinion, but what person is not hurt if the one they love leaves? When love is involved, there is usually hurt all around. As I learned in a college class on human behavior, we cannot have love without hate. They go hand-in-hand with indifference being the opposite of love. Indifference brings peace while both love and hate bring heartache. I coudn't recall the name of this song even though each time it plays on the radio I am happy to listen. SO pleased CP was discovered; her gentle voice complements the down-to-earth lyrics of her songs. I keep waiting for the music industry to change her so much so that she's another generic Ke$ha. At present she reminds me more of an Adele. I hope that remains.
Perfectly worded Jajacob. And yes HairyPalmJoe, hope she will remain as she is now...
Perfectly worded Jajacob. And yes HairyPalmJoe, hope she will remain as she is now...

I never thought that You would be the one to hold my heart But you came around And you knocked me off the ground from the start
You put your arms around me
And I believe that it's easier for you to let me go
You put your arms around me and I'm home
She never thought the he's the one she'll fall for. A simple touch from him, like putting his arms around her, makes her feel safe and sound, loved and home. But with such strong feelings also gives her the thought- that having this feeling every time he hugs her, so intense and so much- that he loves her less than she is, or she loves him more than he is.
How many times will let you me change my mind and turn around
I can't decide if I'll let you save my life or if I'll drown
I hope that you see right through my walls
I hope that you catch me, 'cause I'm already falling
I'll never let a love get so close
You put your arms around me and I'm home
She's always having second thoughts about him, about them being together. If she should keep her feelings or let him know. She's hoping that he'll understand what she's going through, that it's not easy, that behind the walls or shield she built, there was an aching and afraid warrior. She's afraid of love because she know she might get hurt, but she's still hoping that he feel the same. She's afraid to risk. But when he put his arms around her, that war she's having had ended because she's already home, safe and sound.
The world is coming down on me
And I can't find a reason to be loved
I never wanna leave you
But I can't make you bleed if I'm alone
You put your arms around me
And I believe that it's easier for you to let me go
The fear she's having has so many questions about love and security, When the world is knocking her down, she feel so much insecurity, that she think she's not worth of love. She's not sure for his feelings towards her, that the feeling may not be mutual. She's afraid. And somehow she needs to protect herself, and the idea of leaving him and making him jealous came to her, to prove something, to prove that maybe the feelings are the same. But she don't know how because there's no one who will be her other option, because he's the only one she got.
I tried my best to never let you in to see the truth
And I've never opened up
I've never truly loved 'till you put your arms around me
And I believe that it's easier for you to let me go
You put your arms around me and I'm home
She's a warrior trying to keep her feelings to herself, because she's afraid. But when he put his arms around her, finally she had taken the risk. Whether, she loves him more than he do, she doesn't care anymore, because now, no matter what he's feelings towards her, she loves him still. She had taken the risk and now she's safe and sound, loved and happily at home.

This is a song that could only be understood by someone who has borderline personality disorder or who knows someone who has this.

i think this song is about how scary it can actually be to fall in love. when you fall in love you are literally letting that person see every part of you and the girl in this song is scared to let the man she loves see that. she want's him to see through all the walls that she's putting up but she's scared to just put down that walls because she knows he could easily just walk away. "It's easier for you to let me go"- she thinks that it's easy for him to just walk away from her and that scares her. however, she knows she'll never love anyone more than she loves him.