You Don't Know How Lucky You Are Lyrics
Does he laugh, just to know
What he has?
About your dad?
Does he know when you're sad?
Let alone kissed.
Do you laugh, just to think
What I lack?
When you're mad?
And do you notice when you're sad?
Let alone kissed.
Does his love make your head spin?
Does his love make your head spin?

So beautiful. Simple to understand which makes it all the more lovely - the person he loves is with someone else now, and he's asking whether this new man knows her better than he did. And whether he makes her head spin... whether she is really crazy about him.
I've been the girl in this situation, the one being asked these questions, and it's a very heartfelt, poignant song. Love it.
I couldn't agree more. It's heartbreaking, really.
I couldn't agree more. It's heartbreaking, really.

This is my interpretation on the song which I've made through literary analysis and my own life experiences....Hopefully it's somewhat close.
Does he know who you are? Does he laugh, just to know What he has?
Well "he" obviously refers to her new boyfriend. Now the first line means one of two things it could be 1) How she's so important, in the sense like when Keaton was with her he knew her value or 2) Does "he" know her like Keaton did and it's not just a "met at a bar and has her number" thing The next line I can only assume means this Does "he" just laugh or take any brief moment to realize who he's with and how she's so important.
Does he know not to talk About your dad? Does he know when you're sad?
Now the "father thing" has a lot of speculation with the whole line "you don't like to be touched." However I met a girl like this a she didn't like talking about her dad since he traveled a lot (for work) and she'd always fear he'd never come back home. So this line can be taken any way, the only person who knows what it truly means is Keaton. The next line I believe refers to this, well Keaton knows he'll never have "her" again, so he can only hope "He" can take care of her (Like know when she's sad to comfort her).
You don't like to be touched, Let alone kissed.
This is another line that can sort of be taken multiple ways. It could have to do with an event between her and her father, or it could be entirely different in the sense I myself had a girlfriend who wasn't comfortable with physical affection. Since she valued it a lot, in the sense she valued kisses over something else such as sex. So, this interpretation is best to be taken your own way to give the song more meaning to you.
Does he know where your lips begin?
I believe this line basically repeats the meaning of the first line of the song. Does he know you at all, is this new guy just a guy or is he more can he take care of you etc. I think that's sort of what Keaton's asking. (He might also be asking "How close did he get with you?" physically etc)
Do you know who you are? Do you laugh, just to think What I lack?
The first line is a repeat so just look back on that. The second sentence I think is his anger coming out. Basically saying "Are you happy now (Is she "happy now"), now that you've taken the most important thing in my life (her).?"
Do you know your lip shakes When you're mad? And do you notice when you're sad?
This next sentence has a bit more sorrow to it. Some people have said it was him mocking her. But I see it as him remembering her in a way and asking her a question. The question being "Does he know you, can he care for you, is he good enough for you?" And then there's the part where you'd notice the little details in a relationship like when one's lips shake while she was mad. Something Keaton remembers and something he put into this song. In my mind I can imagine him remembering it (and crying possibly), as he remembers the little things about her. But those beautiful little things, that made her special and beautiful. The next line is just a repeat which holds the same meaning as the question the previous line asked.
You don't like to be touched, Let alone kissed.
Repeated lines, just look back to it.
Does his love make your head spin?(I believe this repeats three times)
This one line holds many meanings. And is probably one of the most personal things he's written (yes out of all his songs). I see it as him finally being "alright" with the realization he can never have her again. Also notice how this last question isn't more about how this new boyfriend has the traits of someone who deserves her. But it's more of a question straight to her saying "Are you happy with him? Do him? I hope you're happy...."
This might be a little bit misinterpreted, yet that's might simply be because I'm using more of a personal connection rather than a literal connection to come up with "this meaning."
Final thoughts (my own personal thoughts, basically how this song makes me feel) : I miss my ex-girlfriend. I've been wondering if she's moved on or how she's been. I love her, I still do I know I can live without her but I never wanted to. In the end I hope wherever she is she's happy.
Also check out "Goodbye my lover" by James Blunt. It's a different style but it also has the same "I can't believe you're actually....gone" feeling towards it. It's worth checking out.

I think this is about knowing who you are. Asking yourself if the person you are with knows your soul, not just your favorite color. And at the same time asking yourself, do you even know who you are? The ultimate goal being placing yourself with someone who you don't have to explain yourself to.

I cannot express how strikingly some of the phrases in this song relate to my childhood experiences, in some parts even scarily so. When I was a child, my father molested me, which led to a perpetual anxiety towards being touched. It made me feel so uneasy. This song was so hard to listen to, at first when I found it; it felt just as though someone had spied on my life and written it all down.
With my rational mind, I highly doubt that the song is about a girl who's been through the exact same thing, but sometimes, thinking that way makes me feel less alone.

I think this song is about someone who is in love with a girl that has been abused by her dad and it has damaged her so much that she doesn't like to be touched The girl is in a relationship with someone else and the guy doesn't seem to think she is fulfilled which is why he is asking so many questions like "does his love make your head spin" Such a beautiful song

I don't think this song is about a man in love with a woman that was molested but obviously people will have their own understanding, I find it more about a man longing after an ex lover wondering if her new partner knows her as well as he does and does her knew lover have any idea how lucky he is to have her he knows her on all levels emotional physically a lot of people don't like to be touched when they're mad, it's a beautiful song so much longing in his voice, a really touching song.

This song brings forth the worst of emotion. Many songs from Keaton do, it’s as if every lyric portrays what has been on your mind. I think it is very obvious that this song is about his previous lover moving on or being in a relationship. He talks about all the things he knew so well, “does he know not to talk about your dad”. It is very true that starting over with someone new is true. it may be the worst parts, in my opinion, of moving on. Besides of course the overwhelming feeling that you will never be able to do so. This is what brings so much fear, The new person having to learn everything that he/she once knew about you. They knew when to get to the movie on time, they knew where to sit and what broke your heart. And now you have to go through all of it again. This song can puncture a hole not only to someone who is forced to see someone they love so dearly with someone else, but also someone who is having to start over.

I feel like this song could also be from a guy that has a crush on a guy who wants to know him better.