The Place Where Most Deny Lyrics
I'll blacken the sky and you will see no light
Useless, it is all useless
There will be nothing
There is no one to help you out!"
But I hear the voice of the watchman
"Useless, it is all useless
There will be nothing
There is no one to help you out
Blot out the sun, the miserable sun
I'll blacken the sky and you will see no light!"
But it's in the back of your mind
That we are strong enough
To make it back, to make it back in time
And you have nothing without me"
"After all these years of my pleading and reaching
How easily you can be so swayed
Oh, by that arrogant tongue that pours slow with precision
All those honey-soaked words geared to sink you and keep you
Locked tight in such desperate but anxious grips
Because he fears what burns beneath your skin
And he will fear what I've written!"
But it's in the back of your mind
That we are strong enough
To make it back in time
To make it back, to make it back in time
You are strong enough
(We can make it back in time)
To make it back in time
When you're breathing in
(We can make it back in time)
In the place where most deny
You are strong enough

This song is amazing.
I agree with what "Cwj2039" says completely but I think Micah's part is through the of God. Like when He says "After all these years of my pleading and reaching." Like he is saying after all his preaching and words in the bible, that you shouldn't be swayed by the words of Satan. Then he goes on saying "And he will fear what I've written!" Which would be the words of God, and Satan fear them because that they are stronger than the words of Satan's; even those his are more tempting "honey soaked".

In my opinion, It's about how Satan plans to hold us down in life. Satan plans to all these different ways to make us feel worthless and weak, and the band responds by saying that they're strong enough to take whatever he can throw at them.
I think the Micah part may be directed at someone in particular, or at least a situation that can occur. Basically after reaching out to someone for so long, this person is till held back by his/her vices that Satan is taking advantage of. By the end of that part of the song Micah is saying that Satan goes through all of this because he is afraid of what the person is capable of(He fears what burns beneath your skin).
Excellent interpretation my friend.
Excellent interpretation my friend.

First of all this song is soo epic, and i absolutely love hearing Micah from oh, sleeper in a haste the day song. Cwj2039 and sirswagger seem to be right on target with understanding the meaning. But I was curious as to what the reference to "making it back in time" in the song had to do with. I have also yet to understand where/what the place is that "most deny". Perhaps this is a biblical reference, any thoughts anyone?

I just want to say I completely agree and appreciate all above replies, I find TREMENDOUS value and inspiration in this song and your interpretations definitely hold true to what I think.
Chiefsmack (haha) in response to the "place where most deny", I think it's talking about a time in your life when you're "breathing in, in the place that most deny", that's referring to a very low point, or a literal "Hell on Earth" point in someone's life, when you just feel like it can't get any worse. That's where Satan is trying to keep us, trying to make us feel worthless and that we aren't strong, but we as people of Faith know that to be untrue.. Where you are at your lowest, with God's reassurance and strength in you, "you are strong enough" and you can "make it back in time". Very emotional and inspirational to me, just my take on it. I hope I did a good enough job explaining where I am coming from there.