Sex and Violence Lyrics
To see the mess I’ve made
There’s a broken lampshade
Burnt floors
Beds unmade
Do you dream of what I’m doing?
To you, undo you
I’m through with you
Until I need a round of--
It never runs too low
I can’t escape my need for
Never let you see them
Hand in hand
And one is just the other
The softest touch is
Deeper than the ocean
Give it to me faster
Feel it, feel it
Sex and violence
Ooh it’s gonna make you cry
Stealing all their trade
I was strong and self-made
So groomed
You were walking home that night
Too kind to be elusive
Where do you live?
What’ll you give?
Who are you with?
And how you getting home?
Exactly where you are?
A step inside’s a step too far
Never let you see them
Hand in hand
And one is just the other
The softest touch is
Deeper than the ocean
Give it to me faster
Feel it, feel it
Sex and violence
Ooh it’s gonna make you cry
Hit me with a love that
Burns so bright
And one is just the other
The sweetest taste is
Never gonna leave you
Even when it hurts you
Breathe in, breathe in
Sex and violence
Ooh, it’s gonna make you cry

I kinda get that this song is about how sex and violence can often be one in the same, but not in the best way (rape, abuse, etc). Not sure - it just seems like a sad song.

I think he used to be a prostitute (being persuasive and "stealing all of their trade" from the other male prostitutes). He is looking back at a time when he had power over his Johns (maybe because he was into rough trade/S&M, but it could just be that he felt powerful from getting men to go with him because he was desirable).
Now, either he's just looking for hook ups or he is in a relationship, but he can't let go of the past- he still wants to be in control; still has the urge to be violent in his sexual encounters, and either his partner is sort of new to the experience or is just going along with it (the fact that they are passed out). But he wants a witness to his brutality... he needs someone that he can control.
Kinky and fantastic.

To me it seems to be about a man who knows he had a tendency to go too far. He feels like he can't control himself, he needs (persuasive) sex and violence in his life.