Alibi Lyrics
Were fading faster than the speed of light.
Took our chance, crashed and burned.
No, we'll never ever learn.
And then I fell apart, but got back up again, yeah.
That the inevitable end was near.
Made our choice, a trial by fire,
To battle is the only way we feel alive.
And then I fell apart, but got back up again,
And then I fell apart, but got back up again.
The quickest t tongue to divide and devour.
Divide and devour.
For truth, for love, and my desire.
My soul.

God, this song is beautiful. It's all about finding hope in the dark times of life. I hope the boys of 30STM know that this is one of those songs that could one day save someone's life. Or maybe already has. =)
@babyghostrogue I can confirm it saved me when I was in a dark place.
@babyghostrogue I can confirm it saved me when I was in a dark place.

this song is amazing. it was recorded in Jared Leto's house if you listen carefully at the very start of the song you can hear someone washing the dishes, they knew it was on there but decided to leave it because they wanted the song to sound "raw"
Really??? How do you know it was recorded there?? that's cool if it really wass
Really??? How do you know it was recorded there?? that's cool if it really wass
I don't know if you got the actual CD or got it online, but I didn't hear that at all and I have the CD. That might have been a different version or an altered version or something.
I don't know if you got the actual CD or got it online, but I didn't hear that at all and I have the CD. That might have been a different version or an altered version or something.
Actually, after listening to it many times and at different volumes, I finally heard clanking dishes in the background. (: But I still don't believe it was recorded in his house.
Actually, after listening to it many times and at different volumes, I finally heard clanking dishes in the background. (: But I still don't believe it was recorded in his house.

Obviously everyone can and should interpret it in their own way; but here's my view on it.. I don't think it has much to do with a break up or something, but rather with "life" as a whole. Everyone knows he/she will die in a relativly short time (fading fast towards the speed of light, inevitable end, ..) and in that time he will fall and get back up again, and again fall and so on.. but there's a 'drive' to keep on fighting (To battle is the only way we feel) for what you believe in, bc you need that to give this life meaning (the quest for fire, truth, love, desire) and chosing what you live for can help or break you (trial by fire) ... well anyway, that's how interpret it

This is the best song off "This Is War"

It's my favorite from new album too. It has such a sad note to it, but that one line ''but got back up again'' is giving it amazing hope! Jareds screaming towards the end is giving me chills... Great song.

this song is amazing its so sad but when jared leto said my desire with that little laugh makes me smile every time

Agreed, this is such a powerful and emotional song. It can be interpreted in many different ways, and it can be applied in various concepts too, such as relationships (going through a break-up) or just struggles and problems in general. I'd like to think of it as him retelling a certain story or part of his life, where he "fell down but got back up again." This song is basically reaching out the point that there will be times when you will fall, get hurt, and feel pain; however, that should not stop you from getting back up again and continuing to live your life.

This is a song of remorse. Jared regretfully wishes for an "alibi," somewhere else to be during a war that has consumed his will, his physicality and his very emotions.
"Took our chance, crashed and burned," alludes to the fallen comrades that died perhaps without mercy or respect. They were thrown in without "warning sign" and now they will "never ever learn." It is the leaders giving commands who are to blame' "the quickest tongue to divide and devour."
Divide is a metaphor for the opinions of a nation, of surrounding nations, of the enemy and of the soldiers themselves who are forced to fight regardless of their "truth," "love" or "desire." It is a never-ending "quest for fire" that is horrific and brings out the worst in those who suffer its despicable wrath; " battle is the only way we feel alive."
This pain is not enough to break our subject, as it is for love, war and life... we "fell apart, but got back up again."

I think this song is about picking yourself up after taking a hard fall. It doesn't matter if thats in life, relationships, war, or what not. Its a song of hope.
Happened on this one by chance while listening to my MP3 CD with them on it. It kind fits with some of the chit I've dealt with in the last couple months. Pretty uplifting if you stop and listen to it.

Am I the only one who noticed that the line "I fell apart" and the line "The secret is out" from A Modern Myth almost sound the same in rhythm and melody. Maybe the songs have some sort of connection. Just a thought.