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Underbelly Lyrics

How the prayer rubs the rosary.
How the make up make her face pretty.

Oh how we have an underbelly,
bitten by brutality.
How there’s guts fried up.
How lothario leers at slut.

Oh how we have an underbelly,
bitten by brutality.
And how in our first and last years we are the most needy,
least greedy,
most grateful,
least hateful.
How die as deeply doe-eyed as we start.
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Cover art for Underbelly lyrics by Wild Beasts

NO COMMENTS?! I love this track, simple and fucking BEAUTIFUL. I really dig the lothario part.

I think the songs pretty obvious once you read the lyrics. It's about how we are born innocent and pure and wish to die the same way, however everything in the middle (the majority of our life) just makes us disgusting, greedy, hypocrites. Their lyrical composition is amazing, perfectly illustrating what they want to say without being completely blunt about it.

I also like the "bitten by brutality" part. All of us have this secret dark side (an underbelly) because of our instinctual feral nature; after all, we're just born that way.

Cover art for Underbelly lyrics by Wild Beasts

I think that, at least at first, it's about anorexia and a teen girl's pressure to look a certain way. Otherwise it gets bit more universal with its ideas, incredibly poetic. It's so spare and vunerable, really strikes you.