One Of These Days Lyrics
I'm gonna sit down and write a long letter
To all the good friends I've known
And I'm gonna try
And thank them all for the good times together.
Though so apart we've grown.
I'm gonna sit down and write a long letter
To all the good friends I've known
One of these days, one of these days, one of these days,
And it won't be long, it won't be long.
That old country fiddler
And all those rough boys
Who play that rock 'n' roll
I never tried to burn any bridges
Though I know I let some good things go.
I'm gonna sit down and write a long letter
To all the good friends I've known
One of these days, one of these days, one of these days,
And it won't be long, it won't be long.
All the way to Nashville,
From New York City
To my Canadian prairie home
My friends are scattered
Like leaves from an old maple.
Some are weak, some are strong.
I'm gonna sit down and write a long letter
To all the good friends I've known
One of these days, one of these days, one of these days,
And it won't be long, it won't be long.
And it won't be long, it won't be long.

What outstanding lyrics. The content deals with an issue that may not have been addressed in a pop song before-the phenomenon of how as we get older, we lose touch with friends who have at one point in our lives have been very important to us. Friends from grade school, high school, college, whatever, that you haven't seen, talked to or dealt with at all for a very long time.
It is weird how you can be so close to somebody for years and without really having too much go wrong, you will probably never communicate with them for the rest of your life. It really is kind of sad as we are on this rock for a century tops and that is it.
Between work and family and moving and shifting interests, many friends seem to vanish over time. How many times have you wondered about somebody and said to yourself "I wonder how he is doing. I should drop him a line."
Then you wake up the next day and you are on to more pressing matters.
It really is sad when you think about it. It would be nice to see some of those people again. But it probably won't ever happen.

another perfect meditation on love and nature from neil. that's pretty much the theme of harvest moon. which i would call his most spiritual album easily. though i have to say that these songs played much better live.

The lyrics seem to indicate Neil is very aware of things he’s been guilty of, and accused of by friends and fellow musicians, and that although he’d never intended to hurt anyone, he knows he has hurt them, in his following of the muse at the expense of human attachments...
This would be more sad if Neil wasn’t a great artist and was just a sort-of “pop idol” who desperately needed to NOT burn bridges, but he’s not, and the MUSIC is there, as proof. But it IS interesting to know it weighs on him, which is what I believe he’s saying.