The Clasp Lyrics
gliding cold-eyed march towards the dawn behind
hard-weather hoods a-hiding
Meeting as the tall ships do, passing in the channel
afraid to chance a gentle touch
afraid to make the clasp
ON ring roads, nose to bumper crawl
commuters in their cages
Cryptic signals flash
across from pilots in the fast lane
Double-locked and belted in
too late to make the clasp
Sit down as strangers will, let the stress unload
Talk in confidential terms, share a dark unspoken fear
Refill the cup and drink it up
Say goodnight and wish good luck
Synthetic chiefs with frozen smiles holding unsteady courses
Grip the reins of history, high on their battle horses
And meeting as good statesmen do before the T.V.
eyes of millions, hand to hand exchange the lie
pretend to make the clasp

I love this song. It's about how all of our insecurities and selfishness and deceit keep us from truely connecting with, and living in harmony with each other.

I heartily agree, and the second verse also brings up the idea that sometimes we make our lives too busy and complicated to connect with people.
The third verse is what the author thinks we should do, talk with the stranger we meet and take the time to connect with them and also (I take my own liberty here) help lift them up.
@Manetherin yes the clasp but if we reflect back to the song seal driver at first tull quotes ill think ill make you my seal driver then second let me make you my seal driver then finally at the third stage its time to make you my seal driver tull is playing with the idea lets proove if you can captain my crew he will give you a steady push on a 6 knot shimmering high tide
@Manetherin yes the clasp but if we reflect back to the song seal driver at first tull quotes ill think ill make you my seal driver then second let me make you my seal driver then finally at the third stage its time to make you my seal driver tull is playing with the idea lets proove if you can captain my crew he will give you a steady push on a 6 knot shimmering high tide