Hardest of Hearts Lyrics
It pours from your eyes and spills from your skin
Tenderest touch leaves the darkest of marks
And the kindest of kisses break the hardest of hearts
The hardest of hearts
The hardest of hearts
It gets stuck in your head, won't come out of your mouth
Sticks to your tongue and shows on your face
That the sweetest of words have the bitterest taste
But you'll never know what a fool I've been
Darling heart, I loved you from the start
But that's no excuse for the state I'm in
The hardest of hearts
The hardest of hearts
But pulls us apart when we're holding each other
We all want something to hold in the night
We don't care if it hurts or we're holding too tight
It gets stuck in your head, won't come out of your mouth
Sticks to your tongue and it shows on your face
That the sweetest of words have the bitterest taste
But you'll never know what a fool I've been
Darling heart, I loved you from the start
But that's no excuse for the state I'm in
The hardest of hearts
The hardest of hearts
Can't stop myself before it's too late
Hold on to your heart
'Cause I'm coming to take it
Hold on to your heart
'Cause I'm coming to break it
Hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on
The hardest of hearts (hold on, hold on)
The hardest of hearts (hold on, hold on)
The hardest of hearts (hold on)

The way I kind of see it is that two people are in love, obviously, but one person is much more expressive with that love than the other.
It doesn't make the love any less valid, though, as seen in:
"There is love in your body but you can't get it out It gets stuck in your head, won't come out of your mouth Sticks to your tongue and it shows on your face That the sweetest of words have the bitterest taste"
This just means to me that the other person isn't as good with romance, despite being in love. They want to say these things, but they can't bring themselves to, maybe from being too realistically minded.
Still, I think it's not too happy.
"My heart swells like water and waves Can't stop myself before it's too late Hold on to your heart 'Cause I'm coming to take it Hold on to your heart 'Cause I'm coming to break it"
She wants the other person to show that they're feeling love, even if it means breaking their heart.
@yanaface I agree with ur interpretation. and that last part, maybe it makes her mad that the other can't express the love theybfeel..they feel... it makes her heart swell.... it makes her angry, so she's coming to take it (lash out maybe) with hurtful words and break the others heart cuz that feels the only way they will acknowledge they feel something
@yanaface I agree with ur interpretation. and that last part, maybe it makes her mad that the other can't express the love theybfeel..they feel... it makes her heart swell.... it makes her angry, so she's coming to take it (lash out maybe) with hurtful words and break the others heart cuz that feels the only way they will acknowledge they feel something

Such overwhelming song.. I think it is a story about two people who have been hurt in their past and have closed their hearts.. Then they met and slowly fell for each other. But because of the fear left, they both can't say to the other that they love them, like the words are stuck to their tongues. Cause we all know the sweetest of words have the bitterest taste.. Although their feelings show, there is something that pulls them apart, maybe because they don't put these feelings in words. And they end up in kind of a vicious circle and a state where the love has become too overwhelming and they feel like they need to take the very heart of the other.. but this is too much to put in words. It's very possible that I'm entirely wrong, of course...
No, I totally agree with you. I'm not sure if it's both people, (Maybe I'm wrong) but I see it as the narrator/singer having been affected by a past relationship and made her heart hard. She meets someone new who is trying to show his love to her but she's still too hurt by her last relationship. Sounds like in the song, her heart slowly starts to melt by this guy who she wants to love but is still afraid to because of her past. Just my two cents :)
No, I totally agree with you. I'm not sure if it's both people, (Maybe I'm wrong) but I see it as the narrator/singer having been affected by a past relationship and made her heart hard. She meets someone new who is trying to show his love to her but she's still too hurt by her last relationship. Sounds like in the song, her heart slowly starts to melt by this guy who she wants to love but is still afraid to because of her past. Just my two cents :)

I adore florence, and I love this song, especially the line 'the sweetest of words have the bitterest taste' :)
That line is the most genius line I have ever heard in a song.
That line is the most genius line I have ever heard in a song.

I thought that this song was about one person in the relationship that was not as expressive as the other and it ended up hurting the other person. But then I was watching my favorite tv show and there was this scene where someone was going to tell someone else how they felt about them, but ended up not saying anything and they ended up with a broken heart instead of a nice, complete heart which is what they would have had if they had just told the other person, because the feelings were reciprocated. This situation also happened to the other person too and the results were the same. So I just thought of this song, and how maybe it is talking not of one person not telling the other how they felt in a relationship and it ended up hurting the other person, but how one person not telling the other how they felt when they WEREN'T in a relationship, and they ended up breaking their own heart.
This is how it all fits in.
There is love in your body but you can't hold it in It pours from your eyes and spills from your skin
They can't hold in the love that they have for each other, they show it in they way they look at each other or in the way that they act towards one another.
Tenderest touch leaves the darkest of marks
When they brush hands, they think of it for a while, almost like it left a mark (metaphorically)
And the kindest of kisses break the hardest of hearts
They have kissed, but have brushed it off as nothing even though it is probably something they think the most of. The memory of it is slowly breaking their hearts.
The hardest of hearts The hardest of hearts The hardest of hearts
Both of the people dealing with this are strong, but they still can barely deal with the situation and their hearts are broken.
There is love in your body but you can't get it out It gets stuck in your head, won't come out of your mouth
They can't verbally express their feelings for each other, they find it too hard, and are afraid it will risk what they already have. They are also afraid of being hurt, either by being rejected or by the relationship not working out.
Sticks to your tongue and shows on your face That the sweetest of words have the bitterest taste
Simple, sweet, loving words like "I love you" are too difficult for either person to say.
Darling heart, I loved you from the start But you'll never know what a fool I've been
They are apologizing to their own heart for putting it through all that pain.
Darling heart, I loved you from the start But that's no excuse for the state I'm in
They still can't tell the other how they feel, even though their heart is broken.
There is love in our bodies and it holds us together
They don't want to be apart from each other because they love each other.
But pulls us apart when we're holding each other
When they get too close and too emotional, they pull back.
We all want something to hold in the night We don't care if it hurts or we're holding too tight
At night when they are alone and in bed thinking, they want the other person to be by their side. They don't care about anything else, they just want the other person. But when they actually start to do something or when it is daytime, rationality kicks in and they stop themselves.
There is love in your body but you can't get it outMy heart swells like a water at work (?)
What is a water at work? Is that even the lyrics?
Can't stop myself before it's too late
They are about to do something that might change their relationship
Hold on to your heart
Have hope!
'Cause I'm coming to take it
Their about to say something....
Hold on to your heart
Keep hopin'!
'Cause I'm coming to break it
They don't! :'( snap "What was that?" "Oh. That was my heart breaking." (Srry, just had to put that in there. That was my inner actress and child, by the way.)
Hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on Hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on
They tell themselves they can make it through the pain, they just have to hold on. The worst will be over soon.
The hardest of hearts (hold on, hold on) The hardest of hearts (hold on, hold on) The hardest of hearts (hold on)
They are both breaking their own hearts buy just not telling the other person how they feel. Yes, this is a specific situation I am talking about. If you want to see the relationship, watch Castle! thinks- Man I am such a geek! I relate every stinking song to this tv show! Shut up inner child!

I always thought it was about a abusive relationship.There is love in your body but you can't hold it in
"Tenderest touch leaves the darkest of marks And the kindest of kisses break the hardest of hearts"
He does love her (kindest of kisses break the hardest of hearts) but he can't stop himself from hurting her (tenderest of touch leaves the darkest of marks). He loves her but hurts her.
"There is love in your body but you can't get it out It gets stuck in your head, won't come out of your mouth Sticks to your tongue and shows on your face That the sweetest of words have the bitterest taste"
He does love her but can only say the mean things, only say the abusive things because he just doesn't know how to show he loves her.
"Darling heart, I loved you from the start But you'll never know what a fool I've been Darling heart, I loved you from the start But that's no excuse for the state I'm in"
She loves him and will always love him but she thinks she's a fool for staying with somebody who hurts her so badly and his love for her is "no excuse for the state I'm in" as in the abuse.
"There is love in our bodies and it holds us together But pulls us apart when we're holding each other We all want something to hold in the night We don't care if it hurts or we're holding too tight"
They don't care if it hurts or that the jealousy that dominates abusive relationships is around because even though it's tearing them apart they believe it's also holding them together (as abusive qualities in relationships are often mistaken for romance and signs the other cares).
That's just what I've always thought anyways. Although I like a lot of the other interpretations too.
I fully support your interpretation. The second I heard the song, it sounded like an abusive relationship.
I fully support your interpretation. The second I heard the song, it sounded like an abusive relationship.
Beautiful song!
Beautiful song!

Such a lovely song. Lungs is with out a doubt my favourite album of 2009.

I'm surprised this song doesn't have more comments. It's one of my favorites on the album. Florence Welch's voice is a gift from the gods of music.

I thought that this song was about one person in the relationship that was not as expressive as the other and it ended up hurting the other person. But then I was watching my favorite tv show and there was this scene where someone was going to tell someone else how they felt about them, but ended up not saying anything and they ended up with a broken heart instead of a nice, complete heart which is what they would have had if they had just told the other person, because the feelings were reciprocated. This situation also happened to the other person too and the results were the same. So I just thought of this song, and how maybe it is talking not of one person not telling the other how they felt in a relationship and it ended up hurting the other person, but how one person not telling the other how they felt when they WEREN'T in a relationship, and they ended up breaking their own heart.

My thought wasn't that it was about two people at all. Well sort of. I think that the whole song is about a person who was destroyed by a past love. Those tender kisses the past love gave them became dark marks, the kindest of kisses that they receive reminds them of the past love and breaks their 'hard' heart (from the hurt from the past love, their heart turned hard, so they thought). They have love in them but they don't think they're capable of it but it seeps out anyways and they can't express themselves. Sweet words are bitter because from the past love they believe that all nice things are not true since the past love was so horrible. They loved them from the start, but they were a fool to and that love isn't an excuse for why their heart was broken, it was because they were a fool. Or, they love only their heart since it's not a deceitful person but it will never know why it's broken ("never know fool the I've been") but they don't want to use the relationship as an excuse because it's their fault they fell for it ("fool"). The person is trying to not be so lonely by have shallow relationships just for comfort. But even that hurts and they blame it on the past love who broke their heart and in the end, they want to break the past love's heart for causing all this. xD;; That's my interpretation. c:

This to me is not about an abusive relationship, but about the fear of a self-destructive person to enter into a relationship. "Tenderest touch leaves the darkest of marks" sounds to me like she is scared by a new relationship and beats herself up, but physically and emotionally for it, maybe because a past relationship was bad and she is too scared to try again. "Kindest of kisses breaks the hardest of hearts," shows that she is trying to love this man, but she can't bring herself to forget her fear.