I heard the sounds of what were laughter.
And expected the door to slam off the hinges.
The dark initiates my fear and I tell myself nothing can hurt me.
Nothing can hurt me.
The blanket weighs 300 pounds pinning me on my stomach.
Although my eyes are open, I see nothing but a spiraling glow
that radiates an alarm clock on a nightstand.
Hands are gripping me.
The sheets are twisted, I'm suffocating.
I smell nail polish.
I picture my mother out in the garden
on a spring day planting new strawberry seeds.
The earth aroma as she turns the soil lingers.
And I imagine my life as a princess.
Nothing can hurt me.
It's 5:47 a.m. and the sun looks as though
it's just about to defeat the night sky.
A battle between good and evil
that rages on through centuries unnoticed.
My night gown is tangled above my hips.
I went to sleep with panties on and I smell blood.
My breasts are exposed and sore.
One of them has bite marks.
Blinding light from the bathroom crushes my eyes.
I try to stand up and the weight of the world buckles my knees.
Nothing can hurt me.
The dawn breaks and this veil I carry around for secrecy is about to melt.
Something inside my veins explode.
And I realize I'm not looking at a portrait now.
We are all living in it.

I love the feeling this track creates for the whole album. <3

Is It Rape Or What?

Yea wiL francis' friend was raped

It sounds like date rape, ya know that one party drug you can slip a chick that makes them totally relaxed, unable to move. But still awake for the whole thing. It's really fucked up but happens, and thats all i can think is happening. She is just laying there, unable to even move the blanket off herself(which would be why it feels like it weighs 300lb's.) As the drug wears off and she becomes more aware of her surroundings, and what has happened to her. As feeling and ability comes back to her body, she tries to stand, but hasn't fully recovered and falls back down. As sunlight slowly enters the room, she can now see everything, and she cant imagine it away anymore. She realizes, looking in the mirror(from what i can tell) that she no longer even see's herself.
Fucking powerful and descriptive shit. I usually hate little intro-interlude things, but this one really ties the album together. Is it bad that im kinda turned on 0.0

to me, this seems like it could be about three things - first, like mechatanner said, date rape; secondly, although this is obvious (this is aiden we're talking about, after all), vampires; and lastly, depression, and the nightmares, insomnia, and escapism that comes with it.