9 Meanings
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Burial Lyrics

Misery is all we know lately
saturdays are all the same
sympathy is overrated
like a snapshot when you've lost the game

now its the funeral i become the serial killer of us all
now its the funeral i become the serial killer of us all

no i don't wanna get thrown in your ocean
dont try
you know that we already know you
its over

at your, own burial dont forget to cry
at your, own burial

looking at my 81st birthday
everyday this body goes to waste
remembering how i would raise an army when we went back to your place

now its the funeral I become a serial killer of us all
now its the funeral I become a serial killer of us all
no I, dont wanna get thrown in your ocean
dont try, you know that we already know you
its over

at your own burial, dont forget to cry
at your own burial

at your own burial, dont forget to cry
at your own burial
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9 Meanings

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Cover art for Burial lyrics by Miike Snow

I'm surprised how wrong you all are. Not to be offensive, sorry. "Misery is all we know lately Saturdays are all the same Sympathy is overrated Like a snapshot when you've lost the game" The relationship has failed and sympathizing with the other will not resolve conflicts so deeply rooted. No matter the level of understanding-- The differences are irreconcilable. We have lost. "Now it's all the funeral I've become a serial Killer of us both Now it's all the funeral I've become a serial Killer of us both" I have to call it here. It's done. Commence the funeral to grieve and cope what we once had because there is no further to go. "No, I Don't want to get thrown in your ocean Don't try You know that we already know it It's over" I pretty literal statement. I am not a fish in your sea. We are not only done here but there is no possibility in the future either. "At your own burial Don't forget to cry At your own burial" CRY! There is something to grieve at the loss of what we had. Cope with the loss and don't have hope of this ever returning. "Licking up my eighty-first birthday Every day this body goes to waste Remembering how I would raise an army When we went back to your place" Now I am worn... I have been wearing down for so long and my starry eyed youth will not return. Once I had the energy to fight for anything, but now I begrudgingly accept that there's nothing left to that man.

My Interpretation

a pretty literal left to that man I once was.

@aaronsc cool, sounds spot on to me... i'm kinda wondering about the "snapshot when you've lost the game"...i am not thinking it has any significant meaning to the OVERALL meaning of the song...so it's kinda irrelevant but i'm curious, it mean? ok, a snapshot, that'd be a photo, is overrated when you've lost the game, so like you don't want a picture of a moment in a game you lost? That seems to be the only meaning, interesting that for his comparison of how overrated sympathy between them was, he chose something so arbitrary...bcse personally i wouldn't mind a snapshot of a...

since we're being sticklers on our sentences: *any significant affect on the OVERALL meaning of the song

Cover art for Burial lyrics by Miike Snow

When relationships end, to the person being dumped it can feel like their life is over and the other person killed them and/or the relationship. To the person ending the relationship it can be a relief, even if there were strong feelings at the start.

"Misery is all we know lately, Saturdays are all the same. Sympathy is overrated, Like a snapshot when you've lost the game."

  • They have both been miserable lately, and he is tired of it. He has to get rid of his sympathy to end it, the game is lost.

"Now it's all the funeral, I've become a serial, Killer of us both"

  • this is a sarcastic statement to display the other persons exaggeration of the breakup. In the other person's eyes he murdered the relationship.

"No, I Don't want to get thrown in your ocean. Don't try, You know that we already know it.. It's over"

  • He feels like the other person is trying to drown him with their drama, its unnecessary, they both know its over.

"At your own burial, Don't forget to cry, At your own burial"

  • another similar sarcastic statement about the other person's over reaction.

"Licking up my eighty-first birthday, Every day this body goes to waste. Remembering how I would raise an army, When we went back to your place"

  • when he is old and his body is failing him, he will still remember the big fights they use to have.
Song Meaning

@dkrauter i think he meant "raising an army" like, they would seriously get it on, in an "intimate sense" when they got back to her place...i've never heard the term "raise an army" used in either sense...in the usa we just mean like we're going to war when we say that i guess. hahaha (sad) urs makes more sense. since he'd probably call it "raising a soldier" vs "an army" if he meant it the way i though... I would like to add though, even though yes we are addressing a fictional narrative poem... jeeze, imagine-he's now 81 and what he...

@CaptSibigeu I am also from the states(midwest) and I'm pretty sure than in no language does "Raise and army" mean have sex. It either means that he is preparing to go to war(have a big fight) or that he is building up defences because he expects an attack is comming. To me, "licking up my 81st birthday" means he's licking his wounds on his 81st birthday and you dont have to be dark or jaded to remember past mistakes/things that you wish would have gone differently or relationships that you stayed in too long....

Cover art for Burial lyrics by Miike Snow

this song is so good. they will be huge

Cover art for Burial lyrics by Miike Snow

agree with baboxbabo, they will be huge indeed. the album is amazing.

Cover art for Burial lyrics by Miike Snow

Pretty sure it's: "now it's all the funeral, I become a serial killer of us both"

It's about a couple starting to fall apart.

"now it's all the funeral, I become THE serial killer of us both"

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"now it's all A funeral, I become THE serial killer of us both"

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Cover art for Burial lyrics by Miike Snow

I was very confused as to this song meaning but on watching the amazing video:


I'm thinking this song is about making the most out of your life, there is hope... You only have one chance, don't forget... I think, don't forget to cry at your own burial could have a double meaning...

Don't cry out of guilt that you where old and did nothing with your life... And, a message to say, you've everperiamced so much, cry from happiness...

I know you may think this is wrong but I think the videos ten to reflect the aong meaning sometimes and that's the message I picked up, maybe it's just how I'm feeling at the moment!!!

My Opinion
Cover art for Burial lyrics by Miike Snow

Death will you take me tonight? It's like a lover taking their target. Dying is guaranteed for those who are born. It's a Damn sure thing. That'd really a comforting thought. It's reassurance.

Cover art for Burial lyrics by Miike Snow

Burial =Your wedding day

When I listen to this song I think he's scrutinizing marriage and pointing out that many things have to get "buried" when you make that decision. Many couples will have a great relationship at the beginning, but as soon as they get married it's like the fire goes out. Something dies. I think that's what the song is about.

At the beginning of the song he talks about being miserable with the same "routine" monotonous Saturdays. Obviously once you are married Saturday nights are no longer about going out, beer drinking, or a night out on the town. They are routine married things that you do as a couple. I actually feel sorry for my friends that choose to get married and I think the artist touches on that stating that "sympathy is overrated" because the game is over. They then go on to say "I don't want to get thrown in your ocean" - to me it's the new world of doing "married" things with married friends versus hanging around your single friends doing single things. I have seen it time and time again, once a friend gets married it's like they are no longer allowed to hang out with the "singles" because your single people and married people just do different things. They will soon get thrown into a ocean of doing things with "married" friends. Thus, that part of both of their lives is over.

The artist also talks about growing old and his body going to waste-touching on the fact that they will be bound by marriage for a lifetime, or until divorce. But before they were married, he would "raise an army" when they went back to her place...touching more on the idea that something dies and gets buried when you get married. The excitement is gone.

Thus the "burial" is actually your wedding day, which you should certainly cry. I think the reason the artist is hinting at is not the one most people would suspect.

Cover art for Burial lyrics by Miike Snow

So I'm at a cafe, explaining to a friend my plan to commit suicide on my 80th birthday, pay for a wake on a cruise ship, invite everyone I've ever known, and then have the cruise ship sink with everyone on it; two hours later that friend comes across this song. Mike, you seem to have borrowed my idea. I hope you won't object when I use your song to narrate the movie retelling of my epic suicide-homicide. I would invite you to the wake, but now you know my plan.

Song Meaning

Ahem. Excuse me, I don't mean to be rude, but I just felt that I should point out a few things to you. I came here to check the lyrics of this song, one of my favorites on the album, and as always, I scrolled down to read a few of the comments below. I'm going to assume that you are not an avid fan of Miike Snow, but I feel that you should know these following things. Not only does 'Miike Snow' have two i's, but 'Miike Snow' is not a person. It is a group based in Stockholm,...

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