5 Meanings
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Leave The North Lyrics

We leave the north cause we're different
Empty houses greet us wherever we go
We turn our heads not to see them
And you turn yours not to see us

We keep our eyes in the distance
Cause desolation greets us wherever we go
We travel roads made for no one
Someone built them
Then they moved om

We'll be gone
If we keep driving we can not go wrong
And we'll be strong
For the once we promised
We'd never return

We leave the north cause it's different
And we see trees but never anyone who talks
A land of pines not of people
Await a landscape unlike ours
5 Meanings
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It breaks my heart that people barely know about Club 8. :( This is a beautiful song--makes me think of the apathy of most of my (our?) generation.

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Hmm, to me this song seems to be about younger folks trying to do things differently and not taking heed of an older person's advice or wisdom.

"We turn our heads not to see them And you turn yours not to see us"

To me that kind of reminds me of how when someone becomes of age they leave their nest, etc. Making the same mistakes that those before them did, but then not bothering to listen to anyone and still trying to prove something that the older generation already has the answer to.

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This song spoke directly to me when it was first released because my husband and I were in the midst of planning a move from the cold north to the warm south. It had long been a dream of ours, and with all the unemployment, foreclosures etc. it seemed like the houses and roads around us were empty. People were moving on and we definitely felt it was our turn to follow suit. Two years later and it was the best decision we've ever made! This song, along with Ivy's "Edge Of The Ocean", were a great inspiration to keep us motivated.

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for me, this song is actually inspiring. The way she goes "we leave the north cause we're different", it's about leaving the "social norms" we are all accustomed to because we decide to follow our inner selves. We are not part of the "norm". We are different. And when she says, "We travel roads made for no one, someone built them, then they moved on", we do things that our older generation started but this generation has lost interest in because they seem boring or old fashioned. For example, we now think about money or fame, the passion is lost. Now its about who has the most this or that. But to me, this line reminds me to follow my heart and travel roads people made that were good but eventually seemed shallow or boring. To do what this generation has forgotten to do, follow ones heart and to be full of passion. "we'll be gone, if we keep diving, we cannot go wrong", if we keep pursuing our dreams and our goals, our inner self that demands that we be passionate and alive, surely only good will come out of this. Anyone else agree with me?

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for me, this song is actually inspiring. The way she goes "we leave the north cause we're different", it's about leaving the "social norms" we are all accustomed to because we decide to follow our inner selves. We are not part of the "norm". We are different. And when she says, "We travel roads made for no one, someone built them, then they moved on", we do things that our older generation started but this generation has lost interest in because they seem boring or old fashioned. For example, we now think about money or fame, the passion is lost. Now its about who has the most this or that. But to me, this line reminds me to follow my heart and travel roads people made that were good but eventually seemed shallow or boring. To do what this generation has forgotten to do, follow ones heart and to be full of passion. "we'll be gone, if we keep diving, we cannot go wrong", if we keep pursuing our dreams and our goals, our inner self that demands that we be passionate and alive, surely only good will come out of this. Anyone else agree with me?

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