3 Meanings
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The Happy Soldier Lyrics

I've been thinking
Why don't we
Jump onboard some gunship
And sail away to sea

And if I'm seized by enemy
Of any kind
I don't mind
They'll be sorry
Wait and see
The SAS will rescue me

I've been thinking
I'm so bored
What a life to live and die
By the silver sword

And if I'm crashed on stormy seas
The darkness falls and all I see
Is a desert island
That's ok
I'll use the stars to find my way
If I'm drifting to no-man's land
GHQ will lend a hand
And there's nothing king and country wouldn't do for me

And if I'm crashed on stormy seas
The darkness falls and all I see
Is a desert island
That's ok
I'll use the stars to find my way
If I'm drifting to no-man's land
GHQ will lend a hand
And there's nothing king and country wouldn't do for me
3 Meanings
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apart from the positive messages of one fighting with pride for their country as opposed to living a boring existence which doesn't suit them... this song carries a much greater meaning for me

... it is that no matter the circumstance there are always different ways of approaching it... and as the lyrics reveal there are always positives; making this an uplifting song ... even whilst discussing such possible outcomes as being killed for your country in the line of duty.

the fact that i hate war probably makes me interpret it more so for general life

anyway just thought this song deserved a comment as it could easily be their best... i rank it only behind 'The Way You Want It' - so i recommend getting this song (there are always ways) and enjoy :)

My Interpretation
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What do SAS and GHQ exactly mean? (Perhaps it's obvious, but I speak Spanish) By the way, it's a beautiful song.

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Estos términos no son muy obvios. SAS significa Special Air Service, una unidad de operaciones especiales de Inglaterra. GHQ significa General Headquarters, o cuartel general, es la sede de las fuerzas armadas británicas--

very pretty song

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