66 Meanings
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Day 'n' Nite (Nightmare) Lyrics

[ Kid Cudi:]
Day and night (what, what)
I toss and turn, I keep stressing my mind, mind (what, what)
I look for peace but see I don't attain (what, what)
What I need for keeps this silly game we play, play
Now look at this (what, what)
Madness to magnet keeps attracting me, me (what, what)
I try to run but see I'm not that fast (what, what)
I think I'm first but surely finish last, last

Cuz day and night
The lonely stoner seems to free his mind at night
He's all alone through the day and night
The lonely loner seems to free his mind at night (at, at, at night)
Day and night
The lonely stoner seems to free his mind at night
He's all alone, some things will never change (never change)
The lonely loner seems to free his mind at night (at, at, at night)

[Kid Cudi:]
Hold the phone (what, what)
The lonely stoner, mr. solo doe low (what, what)
He's on the move can't seem to shake the shade (what, what)
Within his dreams he see's the life he made, made
The pain is deep (what, what)
A silent sleeper you won't hear a peep, peep (what, what)
The girl he wants don't see no one into (what, what)
It seems the feelings that she had are through, through

Cuz day and night
The lonely stoner seems to free his mind at night
He's all alone through the day and night
The lonely loner seems to free his mind at night (at, at, at night)
Day and night
The lonely stoner seems to free his mind at night
He's all alone, some things will never change (yeah) (never change)
The lonely loner seems to free his(yeah) mind at night (at, at, at night)

[Kid Cudi:]
Slow moe, (what, what)
When the temple slows up and creates that new, new (what, what)
He seems alive though he is feeling blue (what, what)
The sun is shining man he's super cool, cool
The lonely nights (what, what)
They fade away he slips into his white nights (what, what)
He smokes a clip and then he's on the way (what, what)
To free his mind in search of,
To free his mind in search of,
To free his mind in search of,

Cuz day and night
The lonely stoner seems to free his mind at night
He's all alone through the day and night
The lonely loner seems to free his mind at night (at, at, at night)
Day and night
The lonely stoner seems to free his mind at night
He's all alone, some things will never change (never change)
The lonely loner seems to free his mind at night (at, at, at night)

At, at, at night
66 Meanings
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I think its is he slips away into his white 'nikes' not nights, even if that isnt the real lyrics, then I think its better, have a listen and see for yourself.

For me, the song is about a reversal of situation, first finishing last, trying to escape an imagined future that haunts his life along with the past, and for all his will power he is unable to alter the situation (some things will never change)(within his dreams he see's the life he made) , so he goes out running or walking at night cos he just tosses and turns in bed, he slips on his white nikes and runs along walls and jumps between skyscrapers, and for a minute he forgets the past, the future, the lonely nights and connects with himself, but he blinks too soon and he's in his room playing a computer game his misery and self pity returns

I know theres the 'drug reference' in this song, but it seems to me that people get too het up about these sorts of things in songs, theres one word about a drug in a song and people can only see that, they focus in on it like its important, but its not. Whats the point in 'interpreting' a song as being about such activities? boring

I am actually pretty sure its white nikes, I've listened to it quite a few times now, white nights is rubbish imagery anyway, its meaningless

I wonder if kid cudi, is actually a loner or whether he is using the image and mystique of the loner as an artistic device, without actually being in contact with himself. I think he gets away with doing both. the sound of the song is ultimately sexy, although that doesnt come through just with the lyrics on the page, he IS using the loner image without contact with it, but I buy into his world and imagination of that life, and credit him with it, purely because it's attractive. Maybe the heart of his problem, is that he sees his life in one way (isolated and extremely individuated) but in reality, he does has friends and do 'mundane' stuff, but this artistic projection of himself rejects all that, he tries to free his mind from the earthly self, at night, sometimes he can detach from that (to free his mind in search of), he simaltaneously wanders his mental landscape along with some gritty, urban, concrete tower block, but the reason he is unable to let go, remains THE mystery to the listener, the reason to approach him, listen to his music, day and night

My Opinion

I'm seeing exactly eye to eye with Soox12. Great interpretation, closest to the truth. This comment was made on my birthday and it just made so much sense.

@ holla1928 Nice attempt, but I think that's seeing the song too black and white.

I've gotta agree with FLAWL3ss, Soox12 has hit the nail on the head. The song is about sorrow, the stoner in the story is obviously alone, and is depressed about the fact. He smokes weed to get away from his problems and in doing so, uses the herb to open his mind. he goes out at night to try and feel some connection with the world, just himself in the night. This enhances his mindset and "frees his mind".

Broseph. The song is called Day N' Nite. What's he doing day and night? Smokin' weed and freeing his mind.

He may be doing something at the end, but it doesn't matter because he smokes a clip before so he was stoned for it.

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love this song. crookers remix is amazing.

I hate that this song is so popular because the crookers remix ruins the meaning of the song. Listen to some other of his songs not the remixes please. Try The Prayer and She came along. Great songs so underated just relax and think about what it all means

both versions are excellent, the original shows that his mental state is slowing down and things are becoming clearer, whilst the crookers remix picks up the song and shows the complexity, his confusion throughout the day and night, and plus its very catchy :)

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i'm not really seeing any of those explanations. i think the song is about him, kid cudi. he starts out as just a lonely stoner with friends who aren't exactly real friends. he gets in trouble from time to time even though he tries to stay away from it and that's probably where the stress comes from (that comes from the madness the magnet part, which is really good). so to escape it he just gets high at night and writes rhymes. he starts working hard and pursuing rap, but is still alone and has trouble dealing with his past and everything. he eventually starts getting attention and money (slip into my white nikes), but even though he has people around him and it's cool being a rapper, he's still alone (i get that from the chorus "he's all alone some things will never change" and "he seems alive though he is feeling blue", and i really like the line "the sun is shining man he is super cool, cool", like yeah he's super cool, i guess it's cool"). so basically, the song is about kid cudi starting out as a lonely nobody stoner, working hard to get what he's achieved, and even though he is where he is, not much has changed other than the "cool", flaky things that are expensive but hardly hold any real value.

and the mistakes are ridiculous i still don't know how so many songs can have those kinds of mistakes if you just listen to it that plus the self-promotion right in the middle kind of bothers me

i was having trouble describing with words what i think this song is about, but i agree with you.


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this song is overanalyzed. he's lonely, he smokes pot to relieve his pain, he can't get over rejection, is isolated, puts on a front in the daytime like he's cool, but when night comes his pain, madness, and lack of peace haunts him. i feel the same. drugs are not the answer i know by experience.

There is always a first, literal meaning, which is the one you describe. But good lyrics always have more than that, and these lyrics are good. Some books that were written hundreds of years ago are still being debated about what is actually meant, so don't be so easy on interpreting lyrics. So many people overlook important details and fail at getting what is really meant. For my part, I believe Cudi thinks drugs are not the answer, but it's the only answer that makes "sense" to him. You only state what, but you don't state why. See, when you...

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Personalty i think you have to live in the life to understand this song, he calls himself the "Lonely stoner that seems to free his mind at night" i can relate to this, most of my life i've been alone and im a stoner. When the suns up its not as freeing as it is when its night. Night is when you can think of everything, the past, present, future. Being in "love" with someone and having them letting you down in the end, having feelings for the person but they have no feelings for you. This is a song that you have to relate to, to fully understand the message. I don't think you can simply just listen to it. Being depressed and walking the streets at night for no reason, lost love, loneliness, filling the numb feeling in your heart with pot, so much meaning in a relatively short song.

My Interpretation


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Regardless of the pot, kid cudi is kind enough to throw in that there are lonely loners in the world as well. It's about a man who lives his life alone, there are girls he wants but that is a two way thing. Girls don't want him so he never has dated, done or whatever to a girl. Even though he has his times of glory it doesn't help. He looks at his life and doesn't like it but he doesn't loose sleep over it. In this song the stoner uses pot to free his mind at night from all his troubles, failures, and shortcomings (especially the loneliness). 99% of the people in this world will never grasp the total effect of this song.

  • a true loner

SOOOOO TRUEEE You're comment about this song is the BEST! This song is my life!! I am actually a loner myself and when this song first came out I took in the words and was like OMG this song is so true (minus the pot)!!

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I mean seriously, come on people. open your eyes. he can even sleep cuz hes hurtin so bad from the break up. he just smokes (whoopdeedoo) and goes out walkin or whatever because he doesnt wanna have fun because hes depressed. as the greatest rapper alive once said "a way through the day, a life for the night". and yes ladies, guys got feelins to and i believe its even a proven fact, in most cases, GUYS HURT WORSE than girls do. iv been there, smokin all night till the sun came up, gettin high just so i could pass out, the only way i could stop thinkin about her, the only way i could sleep. try it for almost a year. its nine in the mornin where i am right now, been on the computer since 11 last night. fuck the drugs, im clean now, just dont have the desire to sleep cuz im still dealin wit it. give the guy a break, sit back and appreaciate the song. feel it

Song Meaning

I feel it man me and my girlfriend are taking a "break". Fuck this shit I had stoped smoking but it just gets you so down you gotta do something.

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I think that Cudi really is a loner, and i think it's how he's always been. He often talks about having to smoke in order to stay sane and almost all of his album covers are about space which is what i think he uses weed for, trying to make sense of the universe he is in. It's not necessarily a bad thing he's a loner, in fact it just shows that he's strong enough to be alone and doesn't really need the company of others unlike 99% of people, who need to feel accepted in order to be fulfilled, he's trying to be happy with himself.

I think we both belong to the 1%, love the song, respect.

hum preey gud

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Depression, Isolation, Paranoid Delusional Thoughts.

Day and night (what, what) I toss and turn, I keep stressing my mind, mind (what, what) I look for peace but see I don't attain (what, what) What I need for keeps this silly game we play, play Now look at this (what, what) Madness to magnet keeps attracting me, me (what, what) I try to run but see I'm not that fast (what, what) I think I'm first but surely finish last, last

This person feels so alone and cold through out both day and night, trapped in his own skin without a feeling or attachment to anyone or anything in the world (except for weed). I'd like to think that the lyrics actually read I keep stress in my mind which would alude to his tendency to suppress his emotions and ruminate about things that bother him. His lonliness combined with his drug use keeps him on the a thin line between sanity and psychosis (madness, magnet keeps attracting me), and anything that he does (learned helplessness and self handicapping) to escape it will fail (finish last).

[Chorus:] Cuz day and night The lonely stoner seems to free his mind at night He's all alone through the day and night The lonely loner seems to free his mind at night (at, at, at night) Day and night The lonely stoner seems to free his mind at night He's all alone, some things will never change (never change) The lonely loner seems to free his mind at night (at, at, at night)

Things will never change is a global negative attribution about the world, an inescapable truth for the singersongwriter that forward progress is not attainable. He is fixed, lost in a cycle that will never end, or at least not of his own accord.

[Kid Cudi:] Hold the phone (what, what) The lonely stoner, mr. solo doe low (what, what) He's on the move can't seem to shake the shade (what, what) Within his dreams he see's the life he made, made The pain is deep (what, what) A silent sleeper you won't hear a peep, peep (what, what) From 6lyrics.com The girl he wants don't see no one into (what, what) It seems the feelings that she had are through, through

Can't shake the shade...depression, sadness, anxiety, fear, isolation, the bubble that seperates him from the rest of the world never leaves him. Dreams? Hopes for what could be, artificial thoughts about what what is perhaps what other tell him he should be greatful for, or perhaps the notion that even his dreams are clouded from guilt about the crap his life is and his inability to escape it. He hurts (the pain is deep), but HE WILL NEVER SHOW ANYONE HOW MUCH IT HURTS! You could never guess how much he is suffering inside, maybe because he masks it by smoking all the time. The more he looks like he has positive emotions (laughing, giggling, being high), the less you knw how much he pains. He uses weed and isolation to avoid his pain, but he is really wallowing in it.

[Chorus:] Cuz day and night The lonely stoner seems to free his mind at night He's all alone through the day and night The lonely loner seems to free his mind at night (at, at, at night) Day and night The lonely stoner seems to free his mind at night He's all alone, some things will never change (yeah) (never change) The lonely loner seems to free his(yeah) mind at night (at, at, at night)

[Kid Cudi:] Slow moe, (what, what) When the temple slows up and creates that new, new (what, what) He seems alive though he is feeling blue (what, what) The sun is shining man he's super cool, cool The lonely nights (what, what) They fade away he slips into his white nights (what, what) He smokes a clip and then he's on the way (what, what) To free his mind in search of, To free his mind in search of, To free his mind in search of,

I think the song says the tempo slows, suggesting that a change of pace might create a new feeling, a new way of looking at things, a way out. But no, not even smoking weed (the slow down, the new beat) can completely cover the sadness he feels inside.

THIS IS WHERE THE BEAUTY OF THIS SONG SHINES THROUGH. DAY AND NIGHT IS METAPHOR FOR WHAT OTHERS SEE ON THE OUTSIDE V.S. WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON IN THE INSIDE. When the sun is shining (what others see on the outside) he looks like he's on top of the world, fresh, clean, money, keepin it gully. But at night (the private events that happen inhis mind) he is alone by himself. At the end of the day, he is alone without a sense of direction for where he is going. So, while you can interpret that slipping on white nikes to free his mind in search of... to be him out to cop a sack of herb, it may be that the song writer i actually saying that he doesn't havethe slightest clue where this cycle of smoking and isolation is actually taking him. Where is he going? What are his goals? Perhaps just not to feel the hurt he can't escape. So smoke one, stay up, first take care of head.

Flawless analysis. You are COMPLETELY correct. Great Job bro, you got a great head on your shoulders.

I love this song even more now!

Great job. Thank you.

It's white "nikes"

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I strongly believe that this song is talking about Depression. The reason I feel this way is because i'm suffering from Clinical Depression. I'm not trying to tell some kind of a sob story but it is what it is. I can relate to 98% of the song.

"Day N' Nite. I toss and turn and keep stress in my mind. I look for peace but see i dont attain." he cannot sleep because he has so much on his mind. He's stressing real hard. He tries alliviate his issues but he always end up unsuccessful. Typical characteristics from one who is suffering for depression.

"Madness to magnets keep attracting me. I try to run but see i'm not that fast. I think i'm first but surely finish last."

He's thinking about it so much that he feels like he going mad/crazy. He tries to fix his problem without Marijuana but his tries come to no avail. So he's left w/ "one other choice". Burning lol When a lot of stuff was going on in my life and I was in my lowest points. Marijuana made me (and a lot of other people) "feel comfortable in my own skin". to the point that I can't fall alseep because "I toss and turn and keep stress in my mind"

Hold the phone (what, what) The lonely stoner, mr. solo doe low (what, what) He's on the move can't seem to shake the shade (what, what) Within his dreams he see's the life he made, made The pain is deep (what, what) A silent sleeper you won't hear a peep, peep (what, what) The girl he wants don't see no one into (what, what) It seems the feelings that she had are through, through

He doesn't want to chill w/ his boys. He just want to smoke alone - Mr. Solo Doe Low - someone who tends to smoke alone. All that he tries to do he still cant see any brighter days coming. He sleeps and imagines his ex (the reason why he is depressed).

He gets my up most respect. A lot of these rappers claim and they Real.... talking about Hoes, Power and Money but this is clearly one of the realist shyt I've ever heard.

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