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Unfold Lyrics

I used to be so inspired
The words of my heart
Would flow to my head
I'd write 'til I grew tired
Each verse I nurture
Each sentence I adore
My senses suddenly stop
When you walk through the door
Sometimes I think too far above the clouds
Sometimes I want to hide beneath this shroud
Even though I hear the crowd clear and loud
I'm not ready to give you up
No, not ready to give you up

My mind is a slideshow
Flashes a grayscale of you and me
Some are kind of hard to see
Some we're smiling subconsciously
First it starts in the mind
The thoughts of us together
Then it travels to the heart
And it drops slowly like a feather
The lungs want to declare
That it's just not fair
I have to hold them back
Keeping this love in tact

These parts form emotions
That all connect to the inmost soul
But the love I hoard inside
Means nothing when summer days are cold
And then these confessions begin to unfold
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