Statues Lyrics

The way you moved
I can't explain
The mood subsides
And grows again
I've lived alone
I've held a hand
I've tried to care
And understand

What is faith
And when belief
And who knows how
These things deceive
I never said
And though I tried
If I could leave
And sleep tonight

I can't imagine
How this ever came to be

I can't imagine
How this ever came to be
Song Info
Submitted by
maskofsanity On Jul 18, 2008
3 Meanings
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e atmosphere created in this song is pure magic, from the 80s it had to be, this song is about a moment of reflexion about different topics (mainly religion and human relations), and finally it ends up with: I can't imagine How this ever came to be. It's so true: so many unexpected tragical things can happen to you in this life, but we have OMD to get relieved, unless you get deaf... So many bad things can happen after all...

My Interpretation
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Thank you PeluCrespins. I lived in London when this album came out. ‘Statues’ still is my favorite song on this album. I blasted this song on my headset everyday crossing Waterloo bridge into The West End. As you stated, indeed- the atmosphere of this song!

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I think this is generally accepted to be about the death of Ian Curtis. OMD had toured with Joy Division so Andy knew him a lot better than many of the other commentators on his passing.

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