2 Meanings
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Vengeance Will Be Mine Lyrics

From deep inside black heart beats
Strong with desire
Kill crush the weak and leap the dead
Set their world afire
Death seal your fate
Remain and die
Casualties grow higher
Pain misery torment death
Rule this world
Seeking out my foes
Take away their lives
Ungodly hate inside
Vengeance will be mine
From deep inside black heart beats
Strong with desire
Kill crush the weak and leap the dead
Set their world afire
Death seal your fate
Remain and die
Causalities grow higher
Pain misery torment death
Rule this world
Seeking out my foes
Take away their lives
Ungodly hate inside
Vengeance will be mine
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2 Meanings

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Cover art for Vengeance Will Be Mine lyrics by Skeletonwitch

It's about kickin ass. Midieval style!

Cover art for Vengeance Will Be Mine lyrics by Skeletonwitch

'leap the dead'? like with a catapult, or . . . ?