Drowned Lyrics
Your love is like throwing myself overboard
A breakdown on a motorway
A heart attack on Christmas day
Like scaling a cliff then falling off
Like trying not to cough
I didn’t see this one coming, now I’m in too deep
I think I’ll just keep swimming down, down, down
There’s no point in trying to turn back now
I’m drowned
Your love is a symphony with the sound on mute
A letter sent to the wrong address
Or red wine on a wedding dress
Like broken bones in my playing hand
Like trying to swallow sand
I didn’t see this one coming, now I’m in too deep
I think I’ll just keep swimming down, down, down
There’s no point in trying to reach dry ground
I’m drowned
Your love is like a map that leads to nowhere
A wine glass on a concrete floor
The overuse of metaphor
The straight ahead in a sideways glance
Like the misstep in a dance
I didn’t see this one coming, now I’m in too deep
I think I’ll just keep swimming down
There’s no point in turning round
I’m drowned

how has nobody commented this? this is amazing. he can do beautiful and funny. he's a genius.

I love this song, it is not Tim Minchin's usual comic style but it is truely one of the most beautiful songs ever written! I think what he is trying to convey is that his love for this woman is one of those infuriatingly frustrating things. Maybe he is saying that he can not get enough of her when he talks about the "symphony on mute" and "last breath of salty air." And when he writes "an overused metaphor" he is saying she cannot be summed up literally, only in metaphors which he tries using too often. But generally he feels he loves her too much, so much he feels he is "drowned" in his love for her. When he sings "there's no point in turning round" and "there's no point trying to find dry land" he is saying he can not even try to stop loving her and he will only keep loving her more. That is my take on it anyways. I know what you mean MISSILE, it is wrong that more people are not listening to this!!! Anyways, thanks for reading this if you got to the end!! lol XxX

You guys have to tell me if I'm just being a 'broken hearted' cynic but this song almost screams heartbreak at me.. He's comparing love to all these, what I can see, terrible things.
Finger nails on a chalkboard - horrible Throwing myself overboard - giving up A breakdown on a motorway - annoying A heart attack on Christmas day - tragic Like scaling a cliff then falling off - falling off a cliff? How is that not terrible? A symphony with the sound on mute - if a symphony is all about the music, the mute makes it pointless A letter sent to the wrong address - a waste Or red wine on a wedding dress - ruin Like broken bones in my playing hand - set back
I'd actually really like someone to show me the other side of this song, because it really is beautiful.
Finger nails on a chalkboard - almost unbearable Throwing myself overboard - willingly losing control A breakdown on a motorway - out of your control A heart attack on Christmas day - sudden chaos on a peaceful day Like scaling a cliff then falling off - hurting yourself while doing what you enjoy A symphony with the sound on mute - frustrating A letter sent to the wrong address - meaningful, in a way we don't even consider (Even you didn't consider that SOMEONE recieves the letter, so it does have a "meaning" and it wasn't "a waste".) Or red wine on a wedding dress - an unfortunate...
Finger nails on a chalkboard - almost unbearable Throwing myself overboard - willingly losing control A breakdown on a motorway - out of your control A heart attack on Christmas day - sudden chaos on a peaceful day Like scaling a cliff then falling off - hurting yourself while doing what you enjoy A symphony with the sound on mute - frustrating A letter sent to the wrong address - meaningful, in a way we don't even consider (Even you didn't consider that SOMEONE recieves the letter, so it does have a "meaning" and it wasn't "a waste".) Or red wine on a wedding dress - an unfortunate twist to an otherwise perfect day Like broken bones in my playing hand - Hurts to keep going.
If I still haven't made them sound like descriptions of love, then I don't know what can..
I think this song is about how we often love SO much, it becomes almost unbearable - yet we keep on willingly losing our control, head over heels in love. Our feelings are often out of our control and even though the bad times hurt like hell, the good times is why we keep going on.
"Your love is like a map that leads to nowhere", because it's more about the journey, than the destination.
"A wine glass on a concrete floor", fragile...
"Like trying not to cough", almost impossible to resist
I think those metaphores do describe love in all it's chaotic senseless fragile beauty, that we do not for the reward, but... for.. reasons we don't even know. It's like trying to swallow sand - sometimes just impossible...
And right now I'm in a situtation, where me and my girlfriend kinda broke up, since she thought it's good for both of us, but we both ended up crying, we both ended up missing eachother before the day was through, and we both ended up in eachothers arms.
Right now I'm not sure what's around the corner... I'm not sure are we dating or not.. and though filled with uncertainty and fear, I'm insanely happy that we ... still do love eachother. That .. we didn't really break up, at least not yet.
Bittersweet, I know.. But I wouldn't have it any other way.

i agree with blackrabbit 666. i can't listen to this song enough at the moment. I think that it says that he is in some ways annoyed/frustrated by how much he is in love. Maybe he hasn't felt like this before and it is confusing for him. He feels drowned in the love that he feels for this person and feels he cannot turn back because he is 'in too deep'. Possibly this is causing him unhappiness because of this, maybe even he hates the fact he loves this person.

There are so many songs out there going on about the wonderfulness of being in love but so few that talk really honestly about the intense and often quite disturbing and unpleasant sensations that, that out of control feeling, can have on you. I think this is the only "love song" that has every really spoken to me and told it how it really feels. Tim's honesty and insightfulness, on so many topics, just continually blows me away.
BTW, this song features in a movie "Two Fists and One Heart" and somebody's put the scene of Tim playing this in a bar up on YouTube.
I think this is a break up song for star-crossed lovers. It's what Romeo should've sung to Juliet to avoid all that death. I think it's about sitting at the bottom of the ocean and seeing a possible new love up on the surface, who challenges the direction that this guy has taken in his life and, as much as it hurts him to refuse this love, it hurts him more to leave the bottom of the ocean, where he's heavily invested himself. "Your love is a map that leads to nowhere", he's weighing up the pros and cons of...
I think this is a break up song for star-crossed lovers. It's what Romeo should've sung to Juliet to avoid all that death. I think it's about sitting at the bottom of the ocean and seeing a possible new love up on the surface, who challenges the direction that this guy has taken in his life and, as much as it hurts him to refuse this love, it hurts him more to leave the bottom of the ocean, where he's heavily invested himself. "Your love is a map that leads to nowhere", he's weighing up the pros and cons of being with this new person, and decides there couldn't be a future in the relationship.
It's a really painful decision to make, it's "like trying not to cough". That's brutal! But he won't let go of everything he values that is weighing him down (his work, his family's high hopes, his commitments) just to be with this new person. It's too late to start anything.
That's how I read the lyrics. Tho my interpretation probably says more about my personal life than anything else!

I actually thought that this song was about how even though this love is bad for him and it's just hurting him, he's in too deep to get out. Like in his song you grew on me, where he says a clean amputation would probably kill him too.
I thought this meant even though this a painful love, it's still love, and he's in too far to get out cleanly.

It sounds as heartbreak or unrequited love to me... Does anyone else think this song could be about one-side love?